Committee details

COVID-19 Interim Measures Group

Purpose of committee

Please note that these meetings will not take place in the public domain.


Following an extraordinary meeting of the Council on Tuesday 17 March 2020, Members considered and agreed the governance arrangements set out below in light of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak. 


The COVID-19 Interim Measures Group has been set up to address point (iii) below.


(i)              That all Council, Committee, Sub-Committee, Working Group and all like meetings are suspended with immediate effect for the time being;


(ii)            That any one of the Directors, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Chairman of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition or any of their substitutes identified in recommendation (iii), may determine that the suspension shall end fully or partially and in any event a review will take place in eight weeks from the date of this meeting;


(iii)          That in the interim any Director is authorised to determine the business that would otherwise have been determined by the Council, Committees and Sub-Committees but for the suspension in recommendation (i) above, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Chairman of the Council and Leader of the Opposition (and in their absence with those substitutes identified below):



Substitute Members

Leader of the Council

Councillors E L Bamford, M W Helm, S P Nunn, Mrs M E Thompson and Miss S White

Chairman of the Council

Councillors Mrs P A Channer CC,
K W Jarvis
[1], Mrs J L Fleming, B E Harker and J Stilts

Leader of the Opposition

Councillors Mrs P A Channer CC, R P F Dewick, S P Nunn, E L Bamford[2] and W Stamp


(iv)           That prior to the implementation of (iii) above, where a planning or licensing application was due to be determined by a Committee or Sub-Committee the applicant(s) will be asked whether they would rather delay determination of their planning or licensing application to a future Committee or Sub-Committee meeting;


(v)             That all decisions will be reported to Members as soon as reasonably possible.



This Working Group ceased to exist from 07/09/2020.

[1] Change agreed 25 March 2020.

[2] Change agreed 23 March 2020.
