The Council has decided to have one Overview and Scrutiny Committee with a Membership of eight. The principal responsibilities of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be:
· Examining the decisions and performance of other Committees and also Council Officers, with particular reference to service plans and targets;
· Ensuring the effective management of risk by the Council;
· Assisting the monitoring of the achievement of Value for Money;
· Making recommendations arising from the outcome of the scrutiny process;
· Acting as the Council’s Crime and Disorder Committee.
and at its discretion may:
· Assist in the development of the Council’s budget and policy framework;
· Consider and propose mechanisms to encourage and enhance community participation, and to assist in enhancing the interests of local people by collaborative working with external organisations;
· Review and scrutinise the performance of other public bodies in the Maldon District.
Support officer: Committee Services. Email:
Postal address:
Council Offices
Princes Road
Phone: 01621 854477