Venue: Council Chamber, Maldon District Council Offices, Princes Road, Maldon. View directions
Contact: Committee Services Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
Chairperson's notices Minutes: The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting and went through some general housekeeping arrangements for the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J C Hughes, R H Siddall, E L Stephens and S White. |
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 265 KB To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19 June 2024, (copy enclosed). Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19 June 2024 be approved and confirmed. |
Disclosure of Interest To disclose the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registrable interests and Non-Registrable Interests relating to items of business on the agenda having regard to paragraph 9 and Appendix B of the Code of Conduct for Members.
(Members are reminded that they are also required to disclose any such interests as soon as they become aware should the need arise throughout the meeting). Minutes: There were none. |
24/00170/HOUSE - Oak Cottage, Howe Green Road, Purleigh, Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 6PZ PDF 457 KB To consider the report of the Assistant Director: Planning and Implementation, (copy enclosed, Members’ Update to be circulated)*. Minutes:
Following the Officer’s presentation, the Applicant, Mr Bushby addressed the Committee. The Chairperson then opened the floor for debate.
Councillor M F L Durham proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation. This proposal was duly seconded and when put to the Committee by the Chairperson, it was agreed.
RESOLVED that the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans as shown on the decision notice. 3. The materials used in the construction of the development hereby approved shall be as set out within the application form/plans. 4. No development works above ground level shall occur until details of the surface water drainage scheme to serve the development shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the local planning authority. The agreed scheme shall be implemented prior to the first occupation of the development. The scheme shall ensure that for a minimum:
1) The development should be able to manage water on site for 1 in 100-year events plus 40% climate change allowance. 2) Run-off from a greenfield site for all storm events that have a 100% chance of occurring each year (1 in 1 year event) inclusive of climate change should be no higher than 10/ls and no lower than 1/ls. The rate should be restricted to the 1 in 1 greenfield rate or equivalent greenfield rates with long term storage (minimum rate 1l/s) or 50% betterment of existing run off rates on brownfield sites (provided this does not result in a runoff rate less than greenfield) or 50% betterment of existing run off rates on brownfield sites (provided this does not result in a runoff rate less than greenfield).
You are advised that in order to satisfy the soakaway condition the following details will be required: details of the area to be drained, infiltration rate (as determined by BRE Digest 365), proposed length, width and depth of soakaway, groundwater level and whether it will be rubble filled. Where the local planning authority accepts discharge to an adopted sewer network you will be required to provide written confirmation from the statutory undertaker that the discharge will be accepted. 5. No development works above ground level shall occur until details of the foul drainage ... view the full minutes text for item 179. |
24/00319/HOUSE - Holmeswood House, Back Lane, Wickham Bishops, Witham, Essex, CM8 3LU PDF 338 KB To consider the report of the Assistant Director: Planning and Implementation, (copy enclosed, Members’ Update to be circulated)*. Additional documents: Minutes:
It was noted from the Members’ Update that since the agenda had been published, there had been an addition of a plan to the existing list on page 31 of the published agenda pack.
Following the Officer’s presentation, the Owner, Mr Cameron addressed the Committee. The Chairperson then opened the floor for debate.
Following a brief discussion Councillor M F L Durham proposed to the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, which was duly seconded.
There being no further discussion the Chairperson put the proposal of Councillor Durham to the Committee and upon a vote being taken, this was agreed.
RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans as shown on the decision notice. 3. The materials used in the construction of the development hereby approved shall be as set out within the application form/plans. |
24/00367/HOUSE - Syringa, Chimney Lane, Purleigh, Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 6RQ PDF 491 KB To consider the report of the Assistant Director: Planning and Implementation, (copy enclosed, Members’ Update to be circulated)*. Minutes:
Following the Officer’s presentation, the Applicant, Mr Stokes addressed the Committee. The Chairperson then opened the floor for debate.
Councillor M F L Durham proposed to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation. This proposal was duly seconded.
There was a brief discussion regarding the height of the building and if the current trees were going to be protected. Officers confirmed that there had been no alterations from what was previously approved and considered by the planning Inspector. They went on to add that the height of the building had previously been found acceptable and as a result it would be difficult for Officers to recommend refusing the application on that basis. They concluded confirming that no conditions had been imposed on the previous applications relating to a tree protection plan which would make it unreasonable to impose now.
There being no further discussion the Chairperson put the Officer’s recommendation of approval to the Committee and upon a vote being taken this was agreed.
RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. 2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans as shown on the decision notice. 3 The materials used in the construction of the development hereby approved shall be as set out within the application form/plans. |