Meetings, agendas and minutes

In this section you can access a wide range of information and documents relating to the council’s decision making processes, find out about forthcoming Council meetings and obtain details for your local political representatives.

Committee meeting information

Information regarding Council and committee meetings. You can find the agendas, minutes of previous meetings, as well as officer reports discussed at previous meetings. Information is also provided on dates of future meetings.

Elected representatives

Details of this Council’s MPs and Councillors

Political parties, local associations and Councillors write to residents during the year to update them with policies and success stories. These are often by way of a leaflet that is posted through the residents door. These leaflets are not produced or directly paid for from public funds or produced by officers at the Council. These leaflets will contain information of who has produced them and is promoting them along with contact details should you wish to make further contact with the promoter details of whom you should find at the bottom of the leaflet.

How to get involved

It is possible to subscribe to updates in order to receive information via e-mail regarding particular issues and committee meetings.