Issue - decisions

Finance Member Working Group

09/12/2020 - Finance Member Working Group

The Committee considered the report of the Director of Resources seeking Members’ approval to establish a Finance Member Working Group (the Working Group) to inform and consult on the constantly updated Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) to overcome financial pressures being presented.


The proposed purpose of the Working Group was set out in the report and it was noted that its Terms of Reference would be finalised at the first meeting of the Working Group.


The Chairman put the recommendations as set out in the report.  This was duly seconded.  The Chairman then proposed an amendment to recommendation (i) that the Working Group be made up of four Independent Members and two Conservative Members.  This was duly seconded.


The Chairman proposed that Councillors R H Siddall, W Stamp K M H Lagan and C Swain be appointed to the Working Group.  This was duly seconded.  Councillor Mrs P A Channer proposed herself and Councillor M F L Durham be appointed to the Working Group.  Councillor Durham declined the proposal and in response Councillor Mrs Channer amended her proposal to herself and Councillor Miss S White.  This was duly seconded.


Councillor M W Helm expressed concern that the Democratic Alliance Group were not represented on the Working Group.  In response, Councillor Mrs Channer proposed that seven Members be appointed to the Working Group.  This was duly agreed by assent.


The Chairman clarified the proposed membership of the Working Group was:


·                 From the Independent Group – Councillors Siddall, Stamp, Lagan and Swain


·                 From the Conservative Group – Councillors Mrs Channer and Miss White


·                 From the Democratic Alliance Group – Councillor M W Helm.


The membership was duly agreed by assent.


RESOLVED that a Finance Member Working consisting of the following seven Members be established:

·                 Councillors Mrs P A Channer CC, M W Helm, K M H Lagan, R H Siddall,
W Stamp, C Swain and Miss S White.