Agenda item

2018/19 Programme of Work Update and 2019/20 Programme of Work

To consider the report of the Director of Resources (copy enclosed).



The Director of Service Delivery presented the report to Members, which provided an update on the progress of the programme of work for the 2018/19 period and ongoing scrutiny topics to be carried over to the 2019/20 programme of work.


           Provision of Healthcare Services – it was noted that an invite will be sent to

the CCG for the October 2019 meeting of this Committee.


           Section 106 – The next six-monthly report for Members will be presented at

the August 2019 meeting of this Committee. In response to a query about allotment allocation the Director of Strategy, Performance and Governance advised that he was aware of the request to modify the policy. 


           Provision of Car Parking – a meeting had been organised for 17 April 2019

between Councillor S J Savage, the Director of Service Delivery and the South Essex Parking Partnership Manager, Nick Binder, to discuss provision. Outcomes would be reported back to the next meeting.


           Review of Fire and Rescue Service Provision in the Dengie – following the

Police Fire & Crime Commissioner (PFCC) Briefing with Members in February 2019 further information had been requested on the Fire Break Project. This would be shared with Members once received.


           Waste Contract – Following the attendance of SUEZ at the October 2018

meeting of this Committee, where reliability of vehicles was discussed, it was noted there had been no resurgence of the problem. The situation would continue to be monitored.


In response to a question from Councillor M S Heard about recycling destinations the Director of Service Delivery advised that the previous information provided by the Waste and Street Scene Manager would be circulated to Members subsequent to the meeting.


           Dealing with Waste Water – At the Coastal and Flood Meeting on 26

February 2019 it was noted that numerous issues raised by Members had been linked to Anglian Water who were not in attendance.  A position statement was still outstanding, and discussions were expected to take place with senior contacts at Anglian Water to resolve this.


           The Committee was informed that Anglian Water, statutorily, have to confirm

they can accommodate the removal of foul water.  Members were also advised that, in tandem with Essex County Council, a water cycle study had been commissioned looking into all water related issues, resulting in a real statement of fact. The results would be reported back to a future meeting.


Councillor Miss S White raised the issue of the Planning Inspector conditioning the build of 75 houses in North Fambridge subject to capacity issues at Latchingdon recycling centre being resolved. She said that her main concern was that Anglian Water would simply increase the volume of untreated sewage into the Blackwater river.


She asked that she be included in all future meetings on waste water issues and advised the Committee that the Maldon Harbour Improvement Commissioners (MHIC) had started a water pollution watch group with a number of parties, including Northumbrian Water (Essex & Suffolk). She stressed that in order to protect the Blackwater it was incumbent on Maldon District Council to work in partnership with other agencies to prevent pollution. She concluded by asking that the Planning Department be kept informed of progress, so they can monitor the situation accordingly.


In response the Director of Strategy, Performance and Governance said he would ensure the appropriate Member was kept informed.




(i)        that the contents of the report be noted, and any actions as mentioned above be

carried out.

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