To consider the report of the Director of Resources (copy enclosed).
The Committee considered the report of the Director of Resources setting out the proposals put forward by Officers for revenue growth, fees and charges policy, capital projects and the use of the repairs and renewals reserve prior to approval of the 2018 / 19 budget. It was noted that for all service areas the relevant programme Committee had considered the report prior to being reported to this Committee.
The report provided detailed information in respect of the following areas:
· Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS):
· Collection Fund;
· investment income;
· income;
· pension
· Revenue budget growth – Appendix A to the report detailed budget growth proposals for consideration and agreement on which items would move forward and included in the budget process.
· Fees and Charges – Appendix B showed the fees and charges policy for adoption and detailed any proposed amendments.
· Capital – Appendix C contained details of all 2018 / 19 project bids which had been categorised by Officers into three main groups.
· Repairs and Renewals – These were set out in Appendix D to the report.
Councillor A S Fluker declared an interest in this item of business and particularly in relation to the budget growth item regarding the Hythe Quay dredging as he was a Harbour Commissioner.
It was noted that the Community Services Committee had considered this report at its recent meeting and made a number of recommendations to this Committee which were set out in the report.
A lengthy debate ensued and in particular the following items were discussed:
· Budget Growth (Appendix A)
· Tree Officer / Consultant – Members were advised that the Council required additional resource and expertise in this area to assist the Council with its management of trees etc. in the District.
· Business Food / Music Event – The Director of Customers and Community reported that the team were working on a business case and the potential opportunity for combining such an event with, for example the Mud Race.
· Capital Programme (Appendix C)
C5 - Commemoration of the Fallen from the Maldon
District – The Director of Customers and Community
circulated at the meeting an indicative design of the
memorial. Some concern was raised
regarding the cost associated with this project and was questioned
whether the Council should find external funding for
Councillor A S Fluker proposed that this project go ahead but only
if 50% match funding (up to £25,000) was
achieved. The Director of Customers and
Community expressed concern regarding match funding for a project
of this scale. He advised that Officers
were currently working on the exact costs and suggested that a
report on this and match funding could be brought to the January
meeting of this Committee. Councillor R
G Boyce provided the Committee with further details of the scheme
and how he had been appointed as Forces Champion for this
· C7 - Upgrade PCs to Windows 10 Enterprise – It was reported that Office 365 was a subscription service, although some Local Authorities were looking to move sums relating to this into revenue rather than capital. In response to a comment regarding the figures relating to ICT projects, the Director of Resources advised that she would ask the IT Manager to ensure that figures detailed were accurate. It was confirmed that all legacy systems would function on Windows 10.
· C6 - Window Replacement – It was commented that it was necessary to identify whether the windows could be repaired prior to replacement. The Committee commended the Council’s caretakers for the work they did.
· Repairs and Renewals (Appendix D)
· D3 - Replacement Street Lights to LEDs – The Director of Customers and Community advised that the business case was being completed and a discounted rate for LEDs being sought from suppliers. This information would be brought to the next meeting of the Committee.
Members agreed that further work on the Capital Projects was required and this would be brought to the next meeting of the Committee.
(i) that the revenue growth items (Appendix A to the report) be included for consideration in the 2018 / 19 budget;
(ii) that the updated fees and charges policy areas for 2018 / 19 as outlined in Appendix B to the report be adopted.
(iii) that the Repairs and renewals projects set out in Appendix D to the report be funded from the Repairs and Renewals reserve.
(iv) that the Capital project bids set out in Appendix C to the report be updated and brought back for further consideration at the next meeting of the Committee.
Supporting documents: