Agenda item

North Essex Councils

To consider the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources, (copy enclosed).


The Council considered the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources updating Members on progress since agreeing the North Essex Authorities’ (NEA) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in December 2022 (attached as Appendix 1 to the report).  The report also sought approval to establish the North Essex Councils (NEC) Partnership (the Partnership) and commit resources to enable its objectives to be delivered.


The report highlighted the local authorities located in the north of Essex which made up the NEC and the other strategic partnerships established with other Essex authorities.  Since agreement of the MOU senior offices from each NEC had been meeting to discuss and develop an action plan to delivery the aims of the MOU.  The NEC Leaders agreed for formalize the Partnership in July 2023 and the report set out a number of outcomes that had been agreed.


It was noted that announcement of the proposed Level 2 Devolution Deal for Greater Essex had strengthened the case for establishment of the NEC and would be a key opportunity for the Council to access funding and have a strategic voice within the Combined Authority.  Appendix 2 to the report provided further details of the Devolution deal and a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of potential impacts and opportunities for Maldon District in relation to the devolution proposals was attached at Appendix 3.


To enable the Partnership to put in place the resources necessary to take forward NEC work on behalf of all Councils each constitution council would be required to contribute £20,000 in 2023 / 24.  Contributions for 2024 / 25 would be in the region of £40,000 and need to be considered as part of the 2024 / 25 budget process.  It was noted that Braintree District Council would be the accountable body for the NEC.


Members were advised that should they not support the recommendations set out in the report the Council would risk jeopardising the positive relationship it had with the NEC and missing out on opportunities as outlined in the report.


The Leader of the Council introduced the report and provided some background information regarding the NEC, the need to ensure that Councils were working together to make them efficient and effective in the future and how through this they could shape together the north of the District.  The NEC allowed the Council to access a huge variety of knowledge and expertise which could not be replicated by the Council investing the requested monies itself.  The Leader referred to Economic Board and the benefits it had brought to the District and the Council in terms of working with businesses.


The Director of Strategy and Resources presented his report and in response to a question clarified that in respect of the £40,000 mentioned in recommendation (iii) this had been allocated in the budget process for 2024 / 25 and would be agreed through that process not as part of this report.


In reply to some comments the Leader confirmed that businesses across the District were involved and the Council would receive regular reports from meetings as the strategies developed.  The Director of Strategy and Resources advised that the NEC would be holding a housing summit to look at how housing issues could be addressed as housing had been identified as a key strategic challenge. 


It was confirmed that fee requested was a flat fee across all authorities and based on the potential benefits each Council would receive.  It was not based on the size of an organisation, but the value received through the NEC and the Director of Strategy and Resources further highlighted the benefits of the organisation.


The Chairperson then moved the Officers’ recommendations as set out in the report.  This was duly seconded and agreed.




(i)                that Maldon District Council (the Council) will work in partnership with those Councils set out in paragraph 3.1 of the report and will be collectively referred to as the North Essex Councils (NEC);


(ii)              that the Council contributes £20,000 from the Transformation Reserve in 2023 / 24 to enable resources to be put in place to manage the work of the partnership;


(iii)             that further funding in 2024 / 25 of up to £40,000 will be considered as part of the 2024 / 25 budget process, for the purposes of establishing a team to collectively represent NEC, establish a detailed term of reference for NEC and develop a clear programme of work.

Supporting documents: