To consider the report of the Director of Resources, (copy enclosed).
The Committee considered the report of the Director of Resources seeking Members’ consideration of the fees and charges for 2022 / 23 which generated greater than £2,000. For those fees and charges that generated less than £2,000 delegation to the Director of Resources for their review and setting was sought.
The report advised that the proposed fees and charges for 2022 / 23 (set out in Appendix A to the report) had been based on policy decisions recently updated and agreed by this Committee at its last meeting. Appendix B to the report provided a summary of the proposed changes.
The Director of Service Delivery, during his presentation of the report, in response to the comments raised by the Member of the Public earlier in the meeting suggested that the fees and charges could be approved subject to Officers bringing forward more details in respect of parking at the Hythe Quay. In response, the Chairman suggested that the matter of parking at the Hythe Quay be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee.
The Chairman moved the recommendation as set out in the report. At this point Councillor C Swain advised that he wished to propose an amendment in relation to the charges at the Hythe Quay. Councillor Swain provided the Committee with further details advising that further examination of the use of the Hythe Quay area, particularly whether there should be any public parking there, was required. The Chairman clarified the Councillor Swain was proposing that all fees and charges are agreed with the exception of parking at the hythe.
In response to questions the Chairman advised that if Members were minded to agree the Committee would recommend to the Council that with fees and charges for 2022 / 23 apart from Hythe Quay parking be agreed and Hythe Quay parking would be brought back to the next meeting of the Committee once Officers had spoken to barge owners to identify if there was an option to move this forward.
Some questions were raised about car parking charges and in response, the Customers, Community and Casework Manager advised Members that changes proposed to Promenade Park permit charges were to bring them in line with other car parking charges in Maldon town centre.
It was noted that within Appendix A the 2022 / 23 Coach fees detailed was incorrect and this should have shown an inflation increase. The Chairman advised that this would be corrected.
The Chairman moved that subject to amendment of the coach charges and with the exception of Hythe Quay parking, which would come back to the next meeting, the 2022 / 23 detailed Fees and Charges be recommended to the Council for approval. This was duly agreed.
(i) That Officers undertake discussions with barge owners at the Hythe Quay, Maldon regarding proposed Hythe Quay parking and report back to the next meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee;
(ii) that subject to amendment of the coach charges and with the exception of Hythe Quay parking, the detailed Fees and Charges for 2022 / 23 as set out in APPENDIX 2 to these Minutes, be agreed.
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