To consider the report of the Director of Service Delivery (copy enclosed).
The Council considered the report of the Director of Service Delivery presenting an overarching taxi and private hire policy (attached at Appendix 1 to the report) based on recommendations in the Department for Transport’s (DfT) statutory guidance. The report sought amendments to existing Council policy and conditions to reflect the DfT recommendations and outlined the consultation process with stakeholders.
The DfT guidance, issued in respect of licensed taxis and private hire, was set out in the report along with the recommendations the guidance made and proposals for the Council to consider. The report set out the main changes proposed to the Council’s policy and licensing conditions. It was noted that the changes would strengthen the licensing regime and put safe-guarding at the core of the decision-making process.
The report outlined a proposed consultation with stakeholders on the changes recommended in the DfT’s statutory guidance and set out the bodies to be consulted.
The Chairman drew Members’ attention to a revised report, Appendix 1 and Appendix 1F which had been circulated prior to the meeting along with a new appendix 1G.
The Leader of the Council presented the report and put the recommendations as set out in the revised report. This was duly seconded.
Members discussed the report and the following points were raised:
· Appendix 1F referred to Quest Motors which no longer existed;
· there was no reference made to Covid within the documents;
· the policy required a notice to be displayed if different forms of payment were not accepted, but as cash was becoming the exception it was questioned if this should be specified.
In response the Director of Service Delivery, advised that those minor changes could be made to the documents and should for any reason it not be possible to make the changes he would advise Members accordingly. This was noted.
The Chairman moved the recommendations subject to the above minor amendment which were duly agreed. Councillor C Morris asked that his dissent to the recommendations be recorded.
(i) that subject to the minor amendments detailed above, the draft overarching policy on taxi and private hire be approved;
(ii) that the amendments to existing policy and licensing conditions be approved;
(iii) that the consultation process be approved;
(iv) that the Vehicle Inspection Standards manual be approved for immediate use.
Supporting documents: