Venue: Burnham Town Council Offices, Chapel Road, Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex, CM0 8JA. View directions
Contact: Committee Services Email: [email protected]
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
Chairman's notices Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone present and went over some general housekeeping arrangements for the meeting. He then made Members aware of the recent passing of former Maldon District Councillor Helen Elliot and a moments silence was observed |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors B S Beale MBE and R G Boyce MBE. |
Minutes of the last meeting To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 18 January 2023, (copy enclosed). Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 18 January 2023 be approved and confirmed. |
Disclosure of Interest To disclose the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registrable interests and Non-Registrable Interests relating to items of business on the agenda having regard to paragraph 9 and Appendix B of the Code of Conduct for Members.
(Members are reminded that they are also required to disclose any such interests as soon as they become aware should the need arise throughout the meeting). Minutes: The Chairman disclosed that all Members have a Registrable Interest as ‘Members of a body exercising business of a public nature’ in respect to Agenda Item 5 however, all Members also have a dispensation as resolved by Council on 3 November 2022 and can partake in the debate and vote on the item.
Councillor A L Hull declared a non registrable interest in respect to Agenda Item 6 22/00535/FUL - The Hawthorns, Scalby Road, Southminster, CM0 7BP, as she was acquainted with the applicant. |
19/00929/FUL - Dock, The Quay, Burnham-On-Crouch, Essex To consider the report of the Director of Service Delivery, (copy enclosed, Members’ Update to be circulated)*. Additional documents: Minutes:
During the debate that ensued and in response to questions raised the Specialist: Development Management (L2) provided further clarification regarding off street parking. Concerns were raised by some Members in relation to the number of houseboats and the length of the floating pontoon proposed. Councillor M W Helm proposed that the application be approved, in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, and this was duly seconded. In accordance with Procedure Rule No. 13 (3) Councillor M G Bassenger requested a recorded vote. The Chairman put this to the Committee and the voting was as follows:
For the recommendation: Councillors Mrs P A Channer, R P F Dewick, A S Fluker, M W Helm and A L Hull.
Against the recommendation: Councillors M G Bassenger, V J Bell and W Stamp, CC.
Abstention: Councillor N J Skeens.
As a result, the recommendation was duly agreed. RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: Pre-commencement conditions are recommended, and the applicant/agent has been written to advise of the intention to use these conditions. If no response is received or no objection raised to the conditions within 10 days, the Local Planning Authority is able to impose the suggested conditions. The recommended below is made on the assumption that agreement is gained.
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents: · Drawing Number 1905/02rev.B: Block Plan & Existing Site Layout · Drawing Number 1905/03rev.B: Block Plan & Proposed Site Layout · Drawing Number 1905/04rev.A: Proposed Elevations & Cross Section. · Updated Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report (December 2021) · Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Report (October 2021) · Ecological Statement (July 2022) · Outline Method Statement (November 2021) · Flood Risk Assessment (December 2019) 3. No development shall take place unless details of flood resilience and resistance measures to be incorporated into the development and measures to secure houseboats to ensure they do not become floating debris have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall be carried-out in accordance with the approved details and retained as such thereafter. 4. No vessel shall be moored within the site unless a Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The use of the site shall be carried-out in accordance with the approved Plan, thereafter. 5. The public’s rights and ease of passage over public footpath 11 ... view the full minutes text for item 561. |
22/00535/FUL - The Hawthorns, Scalby Road, Southminster, CM0 7BP To consider the report of the Director of Service Delivery, (copy enclosed, Members’ Update to be circulated)*. Minutes:
Following the Officer’s presentation, the Chairman asked Officers to confirm that the application wasn’t for an ancillary to the mobile home already situated at The Hawthorns and that it would be a separate unit of accommodation. The Development Management Team Leader (Senior Specialist Coordinator) confirmed that the application was for a separate self-contained dwelling. The Chairman then opened the discussion. A brief debate ensued around the conditions in the report and members sought clarity if the application was for a separate or ancillary dwelling, also how this would add to the current housing stock. Officer’s reassured Members that the application was for a separate self-contained dwelling and made Members aware that the unit would add to the housing stock by being a place for a family to live.
Council A S Fluker proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officers’ recommendation and this was seconded. The Chairman put the proposal to the Committee and it was agreed.
RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. 2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in complete accordance with approved drawings: JJA/2102 Site location plan; 2102/04 Block plan & site layout plan; Covering letter from agent; Ecological Walkover Report by James Blake Associates dated 2022. 3 A scheme of mitigation and enhancement measures and/or works for biodiversity shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme of mitigation and enhancement measures and/or works for biodiversity shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to first occupation of the mobile home hereby permitted to be stationed at the site and retained in perpetuity. 4 The mobile home hereby permitted to be stationed on the site shall not be occupied at any time other than for purposes ancillary to the residential use of the dwelling known as The Hawthorns. The site shall not be occupied by a person other than the son or daughter-in-law of Mr Michael Pilkington (senior) or any resident dependent of the son or daughter-in-law of Mr Michael Pilkington (senior). 5 Other than the mobile home hereby permitted to the stationed at the site, no caravan, as defined in the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 and the Caravan Sites Act 1968 as amended shall be stationed on the site ... view the full minutes text for item 562. |
22/01180/FUL - Mapledean Pig Farm, Mapledean Chase, Mundon To consider the report of the Director of Service Delivery, (copy enclosed, Members’ Update to be circulated)*. Additional documents: Minutes:
It was noted from the Members’ Update that this application had been WITHDRAWN due to information received confirming that the applicant wished to withdraw the planning application. |