Issue - meetings

Temporary Appointment of Parish Councillors to Tillingham Parish Council

Meeting: 16/05/2019 - Statutory Annual Council (Item 25)

25 Temporary Appointment of Parish Councillors to Tillingham Parish Council pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Resources, (copy enclosed).


The Council considered the report of the Director of Resources, seeking approval for the temporary appointment of three persons to Tillingham Parish Council to enable the work of the Parish Council to continue until other councillors were elected to take up office.


Members were advised that following the election on 2 May 2019 there were no nominations for Parish Councillors to Tillingham Parish Council and therefore the Parish Council had no Councillors.  A fresh election is scheduled for 20 June 2019, but in the meantime the Parish Council cannot exercise any of its functions.


It was noted that Section 91 of the Local Government Act 1972 provided the Council with the necessary power to make an Order to ensure that Tillingham Parish Council continued to function for the benefit of its local community.  The Council was therefore requested to consider making the necessary Order.  Members noted the proposed payment and banking arrangements for the Parish should the Council agree the proposed recommendations.


Councillor A S Fluker referred to the work of the previous Chairman of the Parish Council and proposed that recommendation (i) be amended and five persons be appointed as quorate would be three Members.  He further proposed that the following Members be appointed to Tillingham Parish Council and that recommendation (ii) as set out in the report be agreed:

·                 Councillor R P F Dewick – as Ward Member

·                 Councillors Mrs P A Channer CC and M W Helm – adjoining Ward Members

·                 Councillors R G Boyce MBE as Chairman of the Council 

·                 Councillor A S Fluker


These proposals were duly seconded and agreed.




(i)              that the Council makes an Order under Section 91 of the Local Government Act 1972 appointing the following five persons to act as Members of Tillingham Parish Council until other Councillors are elected and take up office.

·                 Councillor R P F Dewick – as Ward Member

·                 Councillors Mrs P A Channer CC and M W Helm – adjoining Ward Members

·                 Councillors R G Boyce MBE as Chairman of the Council 

·                 Councillor A S Fluker


(ii)            that subject to (i) above the Council shall:

·                 provide payment and banking arrangements for the Parish Council, subject to payment authorisation arrangements in line with Tillingham Parish Council Standing Orders, with any costs to be repaid in full as soon as the Parish Council banking mandates have been updated to reflect new arrangements;

·                 seek to recover its reasonable costs in providing support to the parish council (if arrangements continue for a period exceeding three months).