Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint the Vice-Chairman of the Maldon District Council for the remainder of the municipal year (to May 2021).
It was proposed by the Chairman (Councillor M S Heard) and seconded by Councillor W Stamp that Councillor C Mayes be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Maldon District Council for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
In accordance with Procedure Rule No. 13 (3) Councillor Mrs P A Channer requested a recorded vote. This was duly seconded.
The Chairman then put the proposal of Councillor Heard as Chairman to the Council. The voting was as follows:
For the recommendation:
Councillors M G Bassenger, B S Beale, V Bell, M R Edwards, M S Heard, K M H Lagan, C Mayes, C Morris, S P Nunn, N G F Shaughnessy, R H Siddall, N J Skeens, W Stamp, Mrs J C Stilts and C Swain.
Against the recommendation:
Councillors E L Bamford, Miss A M Beale, Mrs P A Channer, M F L Durham, Mrs J L Fleming, A S Fluker, M W Helm, J V Keyes, C P Morley, Mrs M E Thompson and Miss S White.
Councillors R G Boyce, A L Hull and K W Jarvis.
Upon the vote taking place the Chairman declared that Councillor C Mayes was elected as the Vice-Chairman of the Council.
RESOLVED that Councillor C Mayes be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Maldon District Council for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint the Vice-Chairman of the Maldon District Council for the ensuing municipal year.
It was proposed by Councillor R G Boyce and seconded by Councillor B E Harker that Councillor Mrs P A Channer be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Maldon District Council for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Councillor M S Heard then proposed that Councillor B S Beale be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Maldon District Council for the ensuing Municipal Year. This was duly seconded by Councillor C Swain.
There being two nominations the Chairman put these to the vote. Asking first those voting in favour of the proposal for Councillor Mrs Channer to be Vice-Chairman of the Council to indicate followed by those in favour of the proposal for Councillor Beale to be Vice-Chairman of the Council. Upon the vote taking place the Chairman declared that Councillor Mrs Channer was elected as the Vice-Chairman of the Council.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs P A Channer be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Maldon District Council for the ensuing Municipal Year.