Issue - meetings

Public Questions

Meeting: 21/03/2024 - Council (Item 675)

675 Public Questions pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To receive questions from members of the public, of which prior notification in writing has been received (no later than noon two clear working days before the day of the Council meeting).


Should you wish to submit a question please complete the online form at


In accordance with the Council’s public speaking protocol, it was noted that the following question had been received from Mr Stephen Rogers.



‘Will the council ensure that any development of the St Peter’s site will provide / facilitate the funds to allocate land and develop a building for a NHS Hub for all the current community services offered by St Peter’s?’


The Leader of the Council had provided the following response which had been published on the Council’s agenda.



The Council is unable to provide assurances in relation to any future development at the St Peter’s site as the land is not owned by the Council.


The Council will support proposals for the current NHS community services to be retained in the Maldon District but is not directly responsible for the delivery of these services.


The Council is committed to working with the NHS for the foreseeable future to assist in the future options for these services, subject to commercial sensitivities.


In response to a suggested change by Mr Rogers to the second paragraph of the response, the Leader provided a brief update on the work the Council was doing with Essex County Council and discussions with the NHS. The Leader advised that if the possibility arose along with the appropriate funding, the Council would do whatever it could to ensure that all hospital services were on one site. He outlined his personal view was for the Council to ensure that at least outpatient services remained in the Maldon District and how the Council and all Members should work towards this so that residents were supported and could access services in an efficient and effective way.