517 Annual Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee PDF 116 KB
To consider the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources (copy enclosed).
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources which would be presented to the Council to give an annual update on the work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The Chairperson introduced the report and the Corporate Governance Project Officer explained the background and highlighted that the report was largely factual and contained within Appendix A.
The Committee’s attention was drawn to the last two items of the annual report as detailed in the Appendix, which would be updated following this meeting. These were two scrutiny request items from Members which in line with the agreed process have been received and considered by the Working Group but had not as yet been reported to the Committee, and no decision reached as to whether they should be added to its scrutiny workplan.
With the housing item raised by Councillor Stephens, the Working Group had received informative and explanatory responses at its last meeting but felt that these needed to be gone through with the relevant Officers present, and this will hopefully be done at the Working Group’s next meeting.
On the Corporate Project – Land Acquisition item raised by Councillor Fluker, the Working Group had already received fairly detailed information, but to enable Members to get a more complete understanding of how the project had begun and developed, some further and specific information has been sought from Officers. This would be received at a future meeting of the Working Group.
In both cases, it was recognised that the Committee needed to be made aware of these two items on which the Working Group would report in due course. This was noted.
The Chairperson then moved the recommendation as set out in the report which was duly seconded and when put to a vote was agreed.
RESOLVED that the Committee accepts the proposed annual report for 2023 / 24 for submission to the Council.