349 Strategy and Resources Committee - 6 October 2022 PDF 234 KB
a) Agenda Item 8 – Fees and Charges Policy 2023 / 24
RECOMMENDED that the 2023 / 24 Fees and Charges Policies attached at APPENDIX A be approved, subject to the provision of further information regarding wharfage and car parking charges.
b) Agenda Item 10 – Street Naming and Numbering Policy
(i) That the Street Naming and Numbering Policy (APPENDIX B) is approved.
(ii) That a comprehensive, accessible policy for use by Residents, Developers, Officers and Council, Town and Parish Councillors is agreed which demonstrates and clarifies the criteria applied to current Street Naming and Numbering decisions.
(iii) That the Council agree on the local policy for the use (or not) of peoples’ names, including a due diligence stage undertaken via Ward Members on the suitable use of any names submitted by Residents, Officers or Councillors (Ward or Parish) prior to them being submitted for wider consultation when naming new Streets.
(iv) That the consultation period be extended to 28 days to allow for wider consultation with Pariah and Town Councils (See amended Policy at Appendix B taking into account this additional recommendation from the Strategy and Resources Committee).
Additional documents:
8a) a) Agenda Item 8– Fees and Charges Policy2023/24
The Chairman called on Councillor Mrs M E Thompson, to present the first recommendation coming forward from the Strategy and Resources Committee to the Council:
That the 2023/24 Fees and Charges Policies attached at appendix A be approved, subject to the provision of further information regarding wharfage and car parking charges and signposted Members to the additional information contained in the Supplementary Pack.
A discussion ensued around the wharfage fees and charges only, following which Councillor K M H Lagan proposed that the Wharfage fees and charges be retained at the current rate, applying an inflationary rate to this year and for the next three years also with an inflationary rate applied, following that period the matter to be referred back to the Council for a full review. This was seconded by Councillor Stamp.
In light of this the Chairman revised recommendation 8a) to incorporate all the 2023/24 Fees and Charges with the exception of the Wharfage Fees and Charges and put this to the Council for approval. This was agreed by assent.
He then put Councillor Lagan’s proposal to the Council. In accordance with Procedure Rule No.13(3) Councillor Lagan requested a recorded vote and this was duly seconded. The results were as follows:-
For the Proposal
Councillors M G Bassenger, Miss A M Beale, V J Bell, Mrs P A Channer, M R Edwards, A S Fluker, M W Helm, B B Heubner, A L Hull, J V Keyes, K M H Lagan, C Mayes, S J N Morgan, N G F Shaughnessy, R H Siddall, P L Spenceley, W Stamp, Mrs J C Stilts, C Swain and Mrs M E Thompson.
Against the Proposal
Councillor R G Boyce and S P Nunn.
(i) That with the exception of the Wharfage fees the 2023/24 Fees and Charges attached at Appendix A be approved;
(ii) That the Wharfage fees and charges be retained at the current rate, applying an inflationary rate to both this year and the next three years. Following that period the matter to be referred back to Council for a full review.