Issue - meetings

Chairman's Announcements

Meeting: 24/02/2022 - Council (Item 525)

Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman highlighted the work undertaken by the Council in light of the recent storms Eunice and Franklin.  He outlined some of the work done by Council staff during this period, including the assistance provided to residents.  The Chairman thanked all involved in the response for their work over this period, coming together as one team, at short notice.  These thanks were echoed by Members.


At this point Councillor C Morris referred to a homeless person who had approached the Council for assistance prior to the storms and the response given which he felt was inadequate.


Councillor E L Stephens referred back to the previous item of business, Public Questions and commented that there was a member of the public in attendance who had indicated he had a question.  The Chairman sought clarification and it was confirmed that the Council had not received any notification from persons wanting to speak at this meeting.  However, the Chairman advised that he would hear the question.  The member of the public, Mr Bert Cottle, then addressed the Council and asked in respect of the budget why there was a need for a Non-Disclosure Agreement to be issued to people that work for the Council and whether the cost came out of the Council Tax budget.  In response, the Chairman advised that this question would be passed to the Monitoring Officer who would respond outside of the meeting.