Register of interests

Councillor Nikki J Swindle

I, Councillor Nikki J Swindle a Member of MALDON DISTRICT COUNCIL, set out below under the appropriate headings my interests, which I am required to declare under the Localism Act 2011 and the Council's Code of Conduct. Where I have no such interests I have stated “NONE”.


1. EMPLOYMENT, OFFICE, TRADE, PROFESSION OR VOCATION carried on by you or those persons referred to above for profit or gain (includes any payments or benefits in kind which are subject to Income Tax)
Yourself Other relevant person (husband / wife / co-habiting partner)
Housekeeper at Firstlings Residential Home Data Anayst for Wemoto Motorcycle Parts
2. SPONSORSHIP - Any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than for your authority) made or provided within the last 12 months in respect of expenses you have incurred in carrying out your duties as a Councillor, or towards your election expenses. This includes any payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.
Yourself Other relevant person (husband / wife / co-habiting partner)
Election Expenses paid by Liberal Democrates -
3. CONTRACTS - A description of any contract for goods, services or works to be executed made between your authority and you or the persons referred to above (or a body in which you or they have a beneficial interest) and which has NOT been fully discharged.
Yourself Other relevant person (husband / wife / co-habiting partner)
4. LAND - Address of any land in your authority’s area in which you have a beneficial interest. Please include a clear description of any land or buildings in the area of your authority (including the postal address) in which you or your partner have a freehold or leasehold interest. This will include your home if you are an owner or tenant.
Yourself Other relevant person (husband / wife / co-habiting partner)
Owner Occupier at 2 Ash Grove Heybridge Maldon Essex CM9 4BB Owner Occupier at 2 Ash Grove Heybridge Maldon Essex CM9 4BB
5. LICENCES - Any land in the authority’s area for which you or the persons referred to above have a licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy for a month or longer.
Yourself Other relevant person (husband / wife / co-habiting partner)
6. CORPORATE TENANCIES - Any tenancy where to your knowledge the landlord is your authority and the tenant is a body in which you or a person referred to above has a beneficial interest.
Yourself Other relevant person (husband / wife / co-habiting partner)
7. SECURITIES - The name of any person or body in which you or a person referred to above has a beneficial interest in securities of that body
Yourself Other relevant person (husband / wife / co-habiting partner)


8. Appointments by the Authority
9. Functions of a Public Nature
10. Charities
11. Influencing Groups
Committee Member of Heybridge and Maldon Climate for Action Partnership
Member of The Liberal Democrat Party
member of Maldon Slimming World
12. Unpaid Directorships
