Committee attendance

Council, 6 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Miss Anne M Beale 6
Robert G Boyce MBE 6
Councillor Mrs Penny A Channer 5
Councillor Richard P F Dewick 2
Councillor Brian S Beale MBE 1
Councillor Mark F L Durham CC 3
Councillor Sue White 3
Councillor Adrian S Fluker 6
Councillor Maddie E Thompson 6
Councillor Mark S Heard 3
Councillor Michael W Helm 3
Councillor John V Keyes 5
Councillor N G Flo Shaughnessy 6
Councillor Mark G Bassenger 6
Councillor Anne L Hull 4
Councillor Wendy Stamp CC 6
Councillor Vanessa J Bell 5
Councillor Nick J Skeens 1
Councillor Richard H Siddall 4
Councillor Michael R Edwards 6
Councillor Christopher Swain 4
Councillor Carlie Mayes 4
Stephen P Nunn 5
Councillor Kevin M H Lagan 5
Councillor Jeanette C Stilts 4
Councillor Mrs Jane L Fleming CC 4
Councillor Clive P Morley 2
Councillor Bruce B Heubner 5
Councillor Emma L Stephens 3
Councillor Simon J N Morgan 5
Councillor Paula L Spenceley 6
District Planning Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Miss Anne M Beale 3
Robert G Boyce MBE 1
Councillor Mrs Penny A Channer 3
Councillor Richard P F Dewick 1
Councillor Brian S Beale MBE 0
Councillor Mark F L Durham CC 2
Councillor Sue White 2
Councillor Adrian S Fluker 4
Councillor Maddie E Thompson 4
Councillor Mark S Heard 3
Councillor Michael W Helm 2
Councillor John V Keyes 2
Councillor N G Flo Shaughnessy 3
Councillor Mark G Bassenger 2
Councillor Anne L Hull 2
Councillor Wendy Stamp CC 3
Councillor Vanessa J Bell 3
Councillor Nick J Skeens 1
Councillor Richard H Siddall 3
Councillor Michael R Edwards 4
Councillor Christopher Swain 3
Councillor Carlie Mayes 2
Stephen P Nunn 4
Councillor Kevin M H Lagan 3
Councillor Jeanette C Stilts 2
Councillor Mrs Jane L Fleming CC 4
Councillor Clive P Morley 1
Councillor Bruce B Heubner 3
Councillor Emma L Stephens 3
Councillor Simon J N Morgan 3
Councillor Paula L Spenceley 4
Joint Standards Committee, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Miss Anne M Beale 1
Councillor Maddie E Thompson 1
Councillor Michael W Helm 1
Councillor Mark G Bassenger 0
Councillor Carlie Mayes 0
Stephen P Nunn 1
Councillor Mrs Jane L Fleming CC 1
Councillor Emma L Stephens 1
North Western Area Planning Committee, 7 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Mark F L Durham CC 4
Councillor Sue White 7
Councillor Maddie E Thompson 7
Councillor Michael W Helm 1
Councillor John V Keyes 7
Councillor Richard H Siddall 2
Councillor Mrs Jane L Fleming CC 5
Councillor Clive P Morley 6
Councillor Emma L Stephens 6
Councillor Simon J N Morgan 7
Performance, Governance and Audit Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Mrs Penny A Channer 1
Councillor Adrian S Fluker 4
Councillor Maddie E Thompson 4
Councillor Michael W Helm 1
Councillor John V Keyes 2
Councillor Anne L Hull 4
Councillor Wendy Stamp CC 3
Councillor Nick J Skeens 0
Councillor Michael R Edwards 4
Councillor Kevin M H Lagan 1
Councillor Jeanette C Stilts 4
Councillor Mrs Jane L Fleming CC 4
Councillor Emma L Stephens 4
Strategy and Resources Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Mrs Penny A Channer 3
Councillor Mark F L Durham CC 3
Councillor Sue White 4
Councillor Adrian S Fluker 4
Councillor Maddie E Thompson 4
Councillor N G Flo Shaughnessy 3
Councillor Mark G Bassenger 2
Councillor Wendy Stamp CC 4
Councillor Richard H Siddall 3
Councillor Christopher Swain 4
Councillor Kevin M H Lagan 4
Councillor Mrs Jane L Fleming CC 2
Councillor Bruce B Heubner 1