To consider the report of the Interim Chief Finance Officer (copy enclosed).
The Committee considered the report of the Interim Chief Finance Officer seeking Members’ consideration of the 2025 / 26 Capital Projects brought forward by Officers (set out in Appendix A to the report), prior to approval of the 2025 / 26 budget and updated Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) in February 2025.
The 2025 / 26 Capital Project Bids were summarised in table 1 to the report with detailed projects sheets provided in Appendix A. Members were reminded of the groups that each capital project had been categorised into by Officers. It was noted that any revenue consequences of the approved capital projects would be included in the 2025 / 26 revenue budget.
Members were advised that two bids relating to building works and car parking at the Dengie Hundred Leisure Centre had been considered by the Finance Member Group but not recommended for inclusion at this time, pending the outcome of a new Leisure Contract award.
Members discussed in detail the Capital Project bids submitted, and in response to questions the following information was provided by Officers:
· C1 - Community Engagement Team Vehicle – It was noted that the current vehicle was not cost effective to maintain and following unresolved issues it had been deemed more cost effective to replace the vehicle.
· C3 – Tractor Side-Arm Flail – Members were advised that the proposed new piece of equipment would reduce risk and improve efficiency. The Director of Service Delivery advised that there was scope to review the amount of service provided by the Council across the District.
· C4 – Ride on Mower – The Assistant Director – Customer Services and Operations advised that the current mower was more than ten years old. Although significant work had been undertaken to resolve them, hand arm vibration issues could not be resolved. It was intended to replace the current equipment with a tractor with various attachments which would be used daily. Following discussion at the Finance Working Group Officers had determined that leasing the equipment would not be cost effective. Officers would be looking at whether there was opportunity for the Council to lease out the equipment, once purchased, but proper process to mange this would be required and it was not yet known if the income would cover the related costs.
· C10 – MDC Roads Resurfacing – Members were advised that Officers would be looking at alternatives to tarmac for this emergency road resurfacing and in relation to this they would engage with emergency services.
· C11 - Car Park Machines – The Chairperson referred to the previous decision made by the Committee, and it was noted that this capital bid related to any decision regarding the introduction (or not) of car parking charges in Burnham-on-Crouch.
Councillor R H Siddall referred to Project C3 – Tractor Side-Arm Flail and whether the tractor proposed could also be used as a mower. He then proposed that Appendix A be approved apart from Capital Bids C3 – Tractor Side-Arm Flail, C4 – Ride on Mower and C11 - Car Park Machines.
The Chairperson referred to the recommendation set out the report and reminded Members that the 2025 / 26 Capital Programme would be coming forward at the January 2025 meeting of this Committee prior to final approval by the Council.
In response to reference to C9 – Fencing and Bollards – Parks and Martins Law, the Director of Service Delivery advised that the Council had consulted with Essex Police on the reasonable steps required to protect the public from vehicles and the Council’s duty to protect the public attending events at the Promenade Park. He urged Members to accept the proposal and should they require stronger protection this would need to be looked into separately.
Following further discussion, the Chairperson referred to Councillor Siddall who repeated his proposal that the capital project bids as set out in Appendix A be agreed in order to finance the 25/26 Capital Programme and recommended to the Council for approval apart from Capital Bids C3 – Tractor Side-Arm Flail, C4 – Ride on Mower and C11 - Car Park Machines. He further proposed that when the reports came back to the Council that they documented any discussions had by the Finance Working Group.
The Chairperson moved Councillor Siddall’s proposal. This was duly seconded and agreed.
RESOLVED that the Capital Project Bids set out in Appendix A to the report with the exception of Capital Bids C3 – Tractor Side-Arm Flail, C4 – Ride on Mower and C11 - Car Park Machines be agreed, in order to finalise a 2025 / 26 Capital Programme which would be recommended to the Council for approval in February 2025.
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