Agenda item

Consideration of a Request from Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board

To consider the report of the Corporate Leadership Team, (copy enclosed).


The Council considered the report of the Corporate Leadership Team sharing a letter from the NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB) (attached as Appendix 1 to the report) and seeking Members’ consideration of a request set out in the letter.


The letter from the NHS advised that it had decided to delay the final decision on the reconfiguration of community hospital beds, midwife led birthing unit and ambulatory care services for six months. The ICB was proposing to form a Working Group that would focus on further engagement and co-development. The Council was invited to take part in this Working Group which would include representatives from the NHS, local authorities, community groups and other key stakeholders.


The Leader of the Council presented the report, advising Members that the Council would not talk to the NHS regarding Council assets, and should such items be raised, the Council would leave any discussions at that point.


The Chairperson moved the recommendations as set out in the report.


In response to a question from Councillor M F L Durham regarding the validity of the Council considering the report, the Chairperson informed the Council that in line with the Council’s Constitution as it was an Officer led report this could be considered.


During the lengthy debate that followed there was some concern raised regarding whether the Council could take part in the proposed Working Group following its previous discussions about engaging with the NHS and use of the Councils assets. Further information was provided, and the Chairperson advised that this was not related to the request from the ICB to have the Council at discussions with other stakeholders.


In response to a request to increase the Council’s representation on the Working Group to allow the four Political Group Leaders to attend, the Leader of the Council reminded the Council this was an ICB Working Group to which the Council had been invited. He felt that four would be too many and suggested two representatives advising that any request to increase in the number of representatives from the Council would have to go back to the ICB for its consideration.


There was some confusion regarding where the request for one representative had originated from, and to assist Members, the Chairperson read out the letter from the ICB to the Leader (Appendix 1).


In response to further discussions regarding the number of representatives the Council could have on the proposed Working Group, the Leader advised that when he responded to the letter, he would seek clarification over the number of representatives that the NHS would accept from the Council. If additional representatives were allowed, he would go back to Groups Leaders and seek their nominations. This was noted by the Council.


The Chairperson then put the recommendations as set out in the report, subject to an amendment to recommendation (ii) removing reference to a named substitute, and these were duly agreed.




(i)              That Members consider the request made by Mid and South Essex ICB to engage in a Working Group (the Working Group) as set out in paragraph 3.1 of this report below;


(ii)             that subject to approval of recommendation (i) above, the Council appoints the Leader of the Council to represent Maldon District Council on the Working Group;


(iii)            That when the Leader of the Council responds to the request, he queries the number of representatives that the Council can appoint to the Working Group proposed;


(i)             That subject to (iii) above, if additional representatives are required to the Working Group that these are appointed by the Political Group Leaders.

Supporting documents: