To consider the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources (copy enclosed).
The Committee considered the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources updating Members on the actions identified in the 2023 / 24 Annual Governance Statement (AGS).
The report provided background information regarding the AGS which was approved by this Committee on 10 June 2021. An updated action for the year looking forwards was set out in the report.
The Assistant Director – Programmes, Performance and Governance presented the report, advising that this was the final report against the 2022 / 25 AGS actions. She drew Members’ attention to section 3.5 of the report which detailed two actions that had been closed in Quarter 4. In addition, two outstanding actions had been rolled over and were now included within the additional actions identified for the 2023 / 24 AGS.
A brief debate ensued and in response to questions raised by Members, the following information was provided:
· Drawn out and link of all policies and their objectives through a review of the Local Development Plan (LDP) - The Assistant Director – Planning and Implementation advised that the target completion date for this work was 2026 and draft policies were currently progressing through the Planning Policy Working Group (PPWG), following the timescales agreed by the Council. At this time the Assistant Director was unable to advise when these policies would be coming forward to the Council.
The Assistant Director reported on some national changes which may come into effect and have an impact the policy review, but these were being monitored by Officers and Members would be advised should they be agreed.
Members were advised that a Member briefing was being arranged to provide opportunity to update Members on the review of policies.
In response to a question, the Assistant Director agreed that a document would be produced detailing the LDP policies, whether they were under review and a timescale for review.
· Build engagement and information sharing with Parish Councils as part of the Local Development Plan review work – In response to a query regarding the Council’s communication with Parish and Town Councils, specifically in relation to the LDP review, the Assistant Director – Planning and Implementation advised of a letter sent in 2021 to all Parish Council’s with a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NHP) in place, made or under production confirming the decision of Maldon District Council to review the LDP and what this would mean for their NHPs. He provided detail of the content of the letter and advised, if helpful, it could be circulated to Members. He reported that Officers also attended the Maldon District Parish Forum meetings where updates on the LDP review were provided and agreed to circulate the date of the next meeting, which the Chairperson advised she would hope to attend. Following further discussion, the Assistant Director advised he would be happy to issue a formal update to all Town / Parish Councils.
The Chairperson read out the recommendation and proposed it be amended to include an action point that the Assistant Director – Planning and Implementation would issue an updated letter to all Parish / Town Councils (whether they had a NHP or not) detailing the current Government guidance and providing clear information from the Council regarding the Maldon District LDP and Parish / Town Council NHP. This was duly seconded and agreed.
(i) that the Committee reviewed the Annual Governance Statements table and updates set out in the report;
(ii) that the Assistant Director – Planning and Implementation would issue an updated letter to all Parish / Town Councils (whether they had a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NHP) or not) detailing the current Government guidance and providing clear information from the Council regarding the Maldon District LDP and Parish / Town Council NHP.
Supporting documents: