To consider the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources (copy enclosed).
The Committee considered the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources that covered exceptions to operational service and provided visibility of any identified Balance Scorecard Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that had met their threshold, supported by an action plan to ensure targets were met.
The Chairperson introduced the report and deferred to the Assistant Director, Programmes, Performance and Governance to present the detail. The Assistant Director drew Members’ attention to the areas of operational performance where exceptions were evident, which included both under and overperformance. Internally, the Senior Management Team monitored this data and discussed it monthly to help address performance issues in real time where possible, with a six-monthly report provided to this Committee to show the exceptions and any areas of under / over performance.
This report covered July to December 2023, section 3.3 contained detail on underperforming areas and the action being taken. Section 3.4 highlighted four indicators where the Council was overperforming and section 3.5 flagged those areas where closer monitoring was taking place. Finally, the Assistant Director advised that further performance data was set out at appendix 1 to the report.
The Chairperson moved the recommendations as set out in the report and this was duly seconded.
During the debate that ensued and in response to issues raised Officers provided the following information:
· In response to a question regarding the non-compliance relating to ‘monthly service area reporting’, the Assistant Director – Service Delivery advised that this related to a monthly report which had not been submitted to the Corporate Leadership Team in time due to a lack of resources. The Assistant Director reassured Members that these reports were now completed, and performance was being monitored on a monthly basis.
· The Head of Service – Housing and Community Safety provided the Committee with information in response to a question regarding London Authorities housing homeless people within Essex. It was noted this was not currently a problem for the Maldon District, however, the Director of Service Delivery reported that at a Chief Executive level in Essex the matter had been raised and they were looking to establish a protocol which would involve London authorities notify an authority where they were looking to place a homeless person.
· It was noted that sickness levels were improving and the Assistant Director – Resources reported that further improvement would be seen in Quarter 4. She advised the Committee of the employee support in place to assist staff, especially those returning to work. On a national average the Council was currently performing better than average. Whilst, mental health was difficult to measure overall, the Council had seen a peak post Covid but again this was managed effectively, with the Council supporting staff well.
· In response to a question regarding hybrid working, the Director of Service Delivery advised that the Council had always maintained officer accommodation space at the Council offices and a number of teams took the opportunity to come in. He referred to the staff survey, the results of which would be shared with Members at a later date.
The Chairperson then moved the recommendations which were duly agreed.
Some further debate ensued, and Officers provided the following responses:
In response to a question regarding performance monitoring of planning decisions, the Assistant Director – Planning and Implementation explained that the data presented were Delta returns, a national performance monitoring standard that the Council was required to report on by the Government. The measures were limited to what the Government asked the Council to report on.
The Assistant Director – Planning and Implementation advised that he would obtain a view from the Head of Development Management and provide the Committee with more insight regarding the reasons for the Q3 reduction in the performance measure relating to the percentage of planning applications granted and decided on time.
The format of the data contained within the Appendix was raised and Members were reminded by the Assistant Director – Programmes, Performance and Governance that the Committee had previously requested a greater drill down on planning data. However, a review of how this information was presented going forward could be undertaken. Members commented that a table format would be easier to view. The Chairperson advised she would be happy to raise this with the Chairperson of the Committee (Councillor V J Bell).
(i) That the Committee reviewed and commented on exceptions to service reporting provided in the report;
(ii) That Members noted the additional performance detailed in Appendix 1 to the report;
(iii) That Members confirmed they were assured through this review, that operational performance was being managed effectively.
Supporting documents: