Agenda item

Review of Corporate Risk - Quarter 3

To consider the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources (copy enclosed).



The Committee considered the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources that required Members to undertake a quarterly review of the Corporate Risk Register as assurance that the Council’s corporate risks were being managed effectively. A table of the Corporate Risk Register, latest ratings and officer commentary was attached as appendix 1 to the report.


The Chairperson introduced the report and deferred to the Assistant Director - Programmes, Performance and Governance to address the detail. The Assistant Director advised that the report covered the Corporate Risks for the third quarter of 2023 / 24, (October - December 2023). Section 3.3 of the report highlighted the changes in risk since quarter two. It was noted that the risk rating for Risk 11 – Failure to Protect Commercially Sensitive Data had reduced. Appendix 1 provided the full Corporate Risk Register as at the end of December 2023 and Appendix 2 showed associated mitigating actions for risks, where relevant.


The Chairperson moved the recommendations set out in the report and these were duly seconded.


A debate ensued and in response to questions and comments raised, the following information was provided by Officers:


·                Members noted that the Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) reviewed risk scoring every quarter.


·                R5 – Damaging to the Council’s reputation associated with delays to planned infrastructure deliver in the District by third parties which is due to support approved development – Members were advised that the description of this risk related to the damage to the Council’s reputation opposed to the delivery of the infrastructure itself.

The Council did not have a policy in respect of triggers for development, however Members were advised that Section 106 Agreements were subject to negotiation and informed by infrastructure providers indicating what / when contributions were needed. The Council was looking to have a Planning Obligation Supplementary Planning Document to support the Local Development Plan (once reviewed) which would stipulate more of the local terms by which planning obligations were to be negotiated.

In response to a further question regarding triggers, the Assistant Director – Planning and Implementation advised that if Officers’ would pick this up as an action and review if there was anything further that other Local Authorities were doing that the Council could implement as well.

The Assistant Director provided further information in response to questions regarding developer viability and triggers relating to the building of schools.


·                R7 – Failure to maintain a five-year supply of Housing Land – The Assistant Director – Planning and Implementation advised that the Five-Year Housing Land Supply (5YHLS) currently reported was 6.35 years. In response to why the risk had not been rescored, given the 5YHLS was over 5 years, he advised that he felt the consequences to the Local Planning Authority and the District if it did not have a 5YHLS were still high and therefore this risk rating was justified. Should the 5YHLS position improve over and above its current position then this may result in a drop in the likelihood level of this risk, which would change the overall risk score.

In response to a request for explanation regarding recent Government changes which enabled a reduction of the 5YHLS to four years, the Assistant Director advised this did not apply to Maldon District Council as the change related to Local Authorities whose Local Plan had been adopted recently. He agreed to provide Members with further details of this outside of the meeting.


The Chairperson asked the Members where possible they bring detailed questions to Officers ahead of the meeting to allow the information and answers to be collated and therefore available at the meeting.


The Chairperson moved the recommendations as set out in the report and this was duly agreed.




(i)             That Members reviewed the Corporate Risk Register in Appendix 1 to the reportand provided comment and feedback for consideration;


(ii)            That Members reviewed progress of the Corporate Risk Mitigating actions in Appendix 2 to the report and provided comment and feedback for consideration;


(iii)           That Members are assured through this review that corporate risk and is being managed effectively;


(iv)           That Members challenged risk where the Committee felt that the Council’s corporate goals may not be achieved.

Supporting documents: