Agenda item

Motion from Councillor C Swain

Councillor C Swain to move the following motion, duly seconded by Councillor M G Bassenger.


“Maldon District Council asks the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to review and reply to the Council accordingly on the justification and validity of the various mechanisms, formulas and procedures that go to determining the level of housing that Local Planning Authorities are required to provide in their Local Development Plans in the light of their impact on the sustainability, social and natural environment and character of local communities and on infrastructure demands, in particular:

·                 the application of ONS projections for population and household formation without a proper national or regional economic or housing strategy;

·                 the reliance on current housing market conditions as basis for policies extending far into the future;

·                 the disconnection between past housing delivery performance and calculation of the 5-year Housing Land Supply;

·                 the lack of economic rationale for the affordability formula that increases the housing requirement in areas of low income;

·                 the total reliance on landowners and developers for sites to be considered for development;

·                 the justifiability of a high guaranteed return for developers;

·                 the dependence on developers’ commercial interests for the pace of housing construction;

·                 the unrealistic presumption that Section 106 charges are an adequate basis for financing development-related infrastructure.”


In accordance with Procedure Rule 4, the Chairman advised of a motion proposed by Councillor C Swain and seconded by Councillor M G Bassenger that had been received.


Councillor Swain proposed his Motion (as set out below) be supported by the Council:


Maldon District Council asks the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to review and reply to the Council accordingly on the justification and validity of the various mechanisms, formulas and procedures that go to determining the level of housing that Local Planning Authorities are required to provide in their Local Development Plans in the light of their impact on the sustainability, social and natural environment and character of local communities and on infrastructure demands, in particular:

·                  the application of ONS projections for population and household formation without a proper national or regional economic or housing strategy;

·                  the reliance on current housing market conditions as basis for policies extending far into the future;

·                  the disconnection between past housing delivery performance and calculation of the 5-year Housing Land Supply;

·                  the lack of economic rationale for the affordability formula that increases the housing requirement in areas of low income;

·                  the total reliance on landowners and developers for sites to be considered for development;

·                  the justifiability of a high guaranteed return for developers;

·                  the dependence on developers’ commercial interests for the pace of housing construction;

·                  the unrealistic presumption that Section 106 charges are an adequate basis for financing development-related infrastructure.


Councillor Swain provided detailed background information regarding his Motion and advised how it sought to bring the matters highlighted to the attention of the Secretary of State who was responsible for housing, planning and levelling up.  Councillor Bassenger confirmed he was seconding this motion.


The Leader of the Council questioned whether the Motion should refer to ‘review’, explain that although the Planning White Paper that had come forward and been out for consultation, she understood that it may be pulled and not come forward from the Minister in that shape or form.  Planning matters may therefore come forward under the levelling up agenda.  So the ‘review’ as far as she was aware was being undertaken and therefore, she proposed that this be replaced with ‘clarity regarding situation in terms of the planning white paper and the levelling up agenda’.  This amendment was duly seconded and agreed by assent.


Councillor C Mayes proposed a further amendment to the Motion to add an additional bullet point to the Motion (as detailed below) regarding securing adequate affordable accommodation.

·                 The overall impact of the planning regime on a Local Planning Authorities ability to secure adequate affordable accommodation as defined in the National Planning Policy Statement Annexe 2, Affordable Housing (a) Affordable Housing for rent.


Councillor Mayes provided details of the number of people the Council had on its housing register and the need for the building of appropriate accommodation in the District.  This amendment was duly seconded and agreed.


The Chairman then put the amended Motion to the Council which was duly agreed by assent.


RESOLVED that Maldon District Council asks the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to clarify the position of the planning white paper and the levelling up agenda and reply to the Council accordingly on the justification and validity of the various mechanisms, formulas and procedures that go to determining the level of housing that Local Planning Authorities are required to provide in their Local Development Plans in the light of their impact on the sustainability, social and natural environment and character of local communities and on infrastructure demands, in particular:


·                  the application of Office of National Statistics (ONS) projections for population and household formation without a proper national or regional economic or housing strategy;


·                  the reliance on current housing market conditions as basis for policies extending far into the future;


·                  the disconnection between past housing delivery performance and calculation of the 5-year Housing Land Supply;


·                  the lack of economic rationale for the affordability formula that increases the housing requirement in areas of low income;


·                  the total reliance on landowners and developers for sites to be considered for development;


·                  the justifiability of a high guaranteed return for developers;


·                  the dependence on developers’ commercial interests for the pace of housing construction;


·                  the unrealistic presumption that Section 106 charges are an adequate basis for financing development-related infrastructure.


·                  the overall impact of the planning regime on a Local Planning Authorities (LPA's) ability to secure adequate affordable accommodation as defined in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Annex 2, Affordable Housing (a) Affordable housing for rent.