Agenda item

Application for a New Premises Licence, Chutney House, 116 High Street, Maldon, CM9 5ET

To note the report of the Director of Service Delivery, (copy enclosed).



The Chairman sought confirmation that all present were in possession of and had read the report of the Director of Service Delivery along with Appendices A to E.  She drew the Committee’s attention to the Aide Memoire found on page 2 of the meeting pack that outlined the procedure to be followed during the meeting.


The applicant Ms Begum joined the meeting at this point.  In response to a question from the Chairman, the Licensing Officer restarted his brief presentation of the report.


The Chairman then called on the applicant, Ms Begum, to make her opening statement.  Ms Begum outline the nature of the premises and how since its operation on complaints had been received.  She provided additional information and clarification in response to the comments raised by the interested parties including noise, smell etc.  Ms Begum informed the Sub-Committee that she had agreed to change the operating hours of the premises, closing room 5 early and stopping at 11pm.  The applicant confirmed she would not be calling any witnesses.


Ms Clark, an interested party, then addressed the Sub-Committee outlining her concerns relating to the proposed premises licence, specifically the impact that live and recorded music would have on the surrounding area, including residents.  She also referred to the public nuisance caused by music and lighting and public safety considerations for those using walking aids etc.  Ms Clark confirmed that she would not be calling any witnesses.


At the request of the Chairman, Ms Clark then made a closing statement.  In response to comments from Ms Clark, Ms Begum advised that she had invested in clearing up the outside of the premises and in respect of noise and light there would only be ten occasions, not every day.


Ms Begum then made a closing statement advising that they would abide by any decision made by the Council.  Ms Begum asked if it would be possible to receive a decision before 16 October.


Following the statements from the applicant and interested party, Members raised a number of questions and in response to these Ms Begum provided further detail of the business, feedback from customers and clarified a number of points, including:


·                 Live music would be played ten times a year;


·                 The change to closing at 11pm had been agreed with Environmental Services.  It was noted that this information had not been advised to the Licensing Officer.  Following further question, Ms Begum confirm that she was happy that alcohol be limited to 11pm apart from the 10 occasions.


·                 Ms Begum explained that the showing of film and having live TV would be used to promote the business.


In response to questions from Members regarding the playing of films, the Licensing Officer clarified that exhibition of a film, for example showing a TV channel would require a licence.


In summary, Ms Begum advised Members that the alcohol license her number one priority.


The Chairman sought clarification from the Senior Specialist Legal and it was confirmed that the Committee when they consider its decision they could grant the application in whole or change conditions, including the hours of operation.


The Chairman thanked everyone present for their contributions and advised that the meeting would now close.  The Committee would then consider the evidence and representations made before reaching its decision.  All parties would be notified of the decision within five working days of this hearing.

Supporting documents: