Agenda item

Appointment of Membership of Committees of the Council

To appoint Members to serve on Committees, as required by Procedure Rule 17.  (Report of the Director of Strategy, Performance and Governance on the nominations of the Leader of the Council and the Opposition Leader to the places allocated to their respective groups copy to follow).


The Council considered the report of the Director of Strategy, Performance and Governance, circulated prior to the meeting to appoint Members to Committees for the municipal year to May 2022.


The Chairman drew Members’ attention to recommendation (iii) in the report, advising that there were a number of Committees where the Council would need to nominate and appoint a non-aligned Councillor to.  Members were also advised that Membership of the Appointments Board would be considered following the appointment of Committee Chairmen.


The Leader of the Council presented the report and proposed that recommendations (i) and (ii) as set out in the report be agreed.  This proposal was duly seconded and agreed.


The Council then moved onto appointment a non-aligned Councillor to the Committees set out the report.  The nominations and voting is as follows:


·                 Performance Governance and Audit Committee:
The Leader of the Council nominated Councillor K W Jarvis to this Committee.  This proposal was duly seconded and agreed.


·                 Strategy and Resources Committee:
The Leader of the Council nominated Councillor K W Jarvis to this Committee.  This proposal was duly seconded and agreed.


·                 Licensing Committee:
The Leader of the Council nominated Councillor K W Jarvis to this Committee.  This proposal was duly seconded and agreed.


·                 Joint Standards Committee:
The Leader of the Council nominated Councillor K W Jarvis to this Committee.  This proposal was duly seconded and agreed.


·                 Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee:
The Leader of the Council nominated Councillor K W Jarvis to this Committee.  This proposal was duly seconded and agreed.




(i)               that the Council notes the nominations of the Leader of the Conservative Group and the Leader of the Independent Group to the places allocated to their respective;


(ii)              that accordingly, the membership of the Committees of the Council as set out below be agreed:




Performance, Governance and Audit

Councillor R G Boyce MBE, M R Edwards,
Mrs J L Fleming CC, M S Heard, A L Hull,
K W Jarvis, J V Keyes, S P Nunn, E L Stephens and Mrs J C Stilts

Strategy and Resources

Councillors R G Boyce MBE, Mrs P A Channer, M F L Durham CC, K W Jarvis, K M H Lagan,
N G F Shaughnessy, R H Siddall, W Stamp CC, C Swain, Mrs M E Thompson and Miss S White


Councillors B S Beale MBE, M F L Durham CC, M W Helm, A L Hull, K W Jarvis, C Mayes,
R H Siddall, E L Stephens, Mrs J C Stilts and Mrs M E Thompson

Overview and Scrutiny


Overview and Scrutiny (meeting as the Crime and Disorder Committee)

Councillors M G Bassenger, V J Bell,
Miss A M Beale, B S Beale MBE, R P F Dewick, M W Helm, B B Heubner, C Mayes, C P Morley and N J Skeens

Joint Standards

Councillors M G Bassenger, Miss A M Beale,
R P F Dewick, Mrs J L Fleming CC, K W Jarvis, C Mayes, S P Nunn and R H Siddall


Parish Councillors (non-voting):

Councillor P Stilts and one vacancy


Independent Person:

Mr J Mitchel (Reserve: Ms K Payne)

Investigating and Disciplinary

Councillors Mrs P A channer, M W Helm,
B B Heubner, S P Nunn and R H Siddall

Investigating and Disciplinary Panel

Minimum of five Members of the Council – politically balanced – of which three have not served on the initial investigation carried out by the Investigating & Disciplinary Committee.  In addition, two or three Independent Persons appointed by the Council to assist the Joint Standards Committee under the Localism Act 2011.

Councillors V J Bell, R G Boyce MBE, A L Hull, M S Heard, K W Jarvis, W Stamp CC,
E L Stephens, C Swain, Mrs M E Thompson and Miss S White


Independent Person:

Mr J Mitchel (Reserve: Ms K Payne)

District Planning

All Members of the Council (with the exception of Councillor A S Fluker up to 2 September 2021)

Central Area Planning

Councillors Miss A M Beale, M R Edwards,
M S Heard, B B Heubner, K M H Lagan,
C Mayes, C Morris, S P Nunn,
N G F Shaughnessy, Mrs J C Stilts and C Swain

North Western Area Planning

Councillors M F L Durham CC,
Mrs J L Fleming CC, K W Jarvis, J V Keyes,
C P Morley, R H Siddall, E L Stephens,
Mrs M E Thompson and Miss S White

South Eastern Area Planning

Councillors M G Bassenger, B S Beale MBE,
V J Bell, R G Boyce MBE, Mrs P A Channer,
R P F Dewick, M W Helm, A L Hull, N J Skeens and W Stamp, CC


Supporting documents: