Issue - meetings

Chairman's Announcements

Meeting: 05/11/2020 - Council (Item 10)

Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman thanked Members for nominating and electing him as Chairman and referred to the historic changes for the Council.  The Chairman thanked Councillors R G Boyce and Mrs P A Channer for their past chairmanship and hoped to follow in their footsteps as well as those of former Council Chairmen.  He advised that his theme for the remainder of the year would be one of unity and hoped all parties would work together.


With the invitation of the Chairman, the Director of Service Delivery provided an update on the COVID-19 situation.  Following the update thanks were given to Officers for their work during the pandemic alongside the ongoing day to day work.

Meeting: 03/10/2019 - Council (Item 443)

Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman advised that he had no announcements for this extraordinary meeting.

Meeting: 16/05/2019 - Statutory Annual Council (Item 11)

Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman thanked Members for nominating and electing him as Chairman.  He advised that he would deal with the proceedings of the Council in an impartial manner but he had been voted onto the Council as a Conservative and would be voting as such in the future.


The Chairman drew Members’ attention to the house flag which was currently flying at half mast outside the Council Offices.  He explained that this was due to the sad passing of Alison Lamb, a Member of the Council from 1995 – 2003 during which time she was also leader of the Labour Group.  The Chairman asked all present in memory of Alison Lamb to stand for a short period of silent reflection.


At this point a number of Members paid tribute to the hard work of Councillor Bass both as a District Councillor and in his recent role as Chairman of the Council and wished him well for the future.