314 Corporate Health and Safety PDF 105 KB
To consider the report of the Director of Resources, (copy enclosed).
Additional documents:
The Committee received the report of the Director of Resources on Corporate Health and Safety activity for Quarter One (1 April to 30 June 2018). A summary by Directorate and a description of the reported accidents and near misses were set out in the report.
Appendix 1 to the report provided details of progress with the Health and Safety Action Plan for 2018 / 19.
It was noted that there were four accidents and one near miss during quarter one and any follow up action was detailed. There had been no incidents of unacceptable behaviour reported during this quarter.
Members were advised that following a legionella audit the Corporate Leadership Team had agreed an action plan to improve the management of this risk.
(i) that the accident and incident statistics for quarter one be noted;
(ii) that progress with the Health and Safety Action Plan for 2018 / 19 be noted.