Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor M F L Durham proposed that Councillor J Driver be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Strategy and Resources Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor J Driver be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Strategy and Resources Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor J Driver proposed that Councillor J C Stilts be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Central Area Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor J C Stilts be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Central Area Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor S J N Morgan proposed that Councillor M E Thompson be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Joint Standards Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor M E Thompson be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Joint Standards Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor W Stamp proposed that Councillor N D Spenceley be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor N D Spenceley be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor S J N Morgan proposed that Councillor P L Spenceley be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor P L Spenceley be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor J C Stilts proposed that Councillor P L Spenceley be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee. Councillor Spenceley declined the nomination.
The Chairperson called for other nominations. Councillor A M Lay then proposed that Councillor E L Stephens be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee. Councillor Stephens declined the nomination.
Councillor Stilts then proposed that Councillor A M Lay be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee. This was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor A M Lay be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor V J Bell proposed that Councillor A Fittock be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor A Fittock be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor M F L Durham proposed that Councillor S J N Morgan be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Licensing Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor S J N Morgan be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Licensing Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor M E Thompson proposed that Councillor M F L Durham be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the North Western Area Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor M F L Durham be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the North Western Area Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor M E Thompson proposed that Councillor N D Spenceley be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the District Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor N D Spenceley be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the District Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor M F L Durham proposed that Councillor M E Thompson be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the North Western Area Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor M E Thompson be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the North Western Area Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor V J Bell proposed that Councillor T Fittock be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor T Fittock be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor J Driver proposed that Councillor N G F Shaughnessy be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Central Area Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor N G F Shaughnessy be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Central Area Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor R H Siddall proposed that Councillor R Pratt be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the District Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor R Pratt be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the District Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor M E Thompson proposed that Councillor N J Swindle be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee. Councillor Swindle advised that she did not wish to be considered for this position.
Councillor Thompson then proposed that Councillor E L Stephens be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee. This was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor E L Stephens be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor N J Swindle proposed that Councillor P L Spenceley be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor P L Spenceley be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor M F L Durham proposed that Councillor M E Thompson be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Licensing Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor M E Thompson be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Licensing Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor M F L Durham proposed that Councillor T Fittock be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Strategy and Resources Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor A S Fluker proposed that Councillor W Stamp be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Strategy and Resources Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There were no other nominations. The Chairman called for a vote and following this it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor T Fittock be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Strategy and Resources Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson
To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor V J Bell called for nominations for Vice-Chairperson of the Committee. Councillor M G Bassenger proposed that Councillor M E Thompson be elected as Vice-Chairperson of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor M E Thompson be appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor R P F Dewick proposed that Councillor A S Fluker be elected as Vice-Chairman of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor M G Bassenger proposed that Councillor N J Skeens be elected as Vice-Chairman of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There were no other nominations. The Chairman called for a vote and following this it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor A S Fluker be appointed Vice-Chairman of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor Mrs M E Thompson proposed that Councillor J V Keyes be elected as Vice-Chairman of the North Western Area Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor J V Keyes be appointed Vice-Chairman of the North Western Area Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor C Mayes proposed that Councillor N G F Shaughnessy be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Central Area Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor Miss A M Beale proposed that Councillor K M H Lagan be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Central Area Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There were no other nominations. The Chairman called for a vote and following this it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor N G F Shaughnessy be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Central Area Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor B B Heubner proposed that Councillor Mrs P A Channer be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor R H Siddall proposed that Councillor C Mayes be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There were no other nominations. The Chairman called for a vote and following this it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs P A Channer be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor M W Helm proposed that Councillor P L Spenceley be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor M S Heard proposed that Councillor C Mayes be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There were no other nominations. The Chairman called for a vote and following this it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor P L Spenceley be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor Mrs J L Fleming proposed that Councillor S P Nunn be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Joint Standards Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor M G Bassenger proposed that Councillor C Mayes be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Joint Standards Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There were no other nominations. The Chairman called for a vote and following this it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor S P Nunn be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Joint Standards Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor M F L Durham proposed that Councillor S J N Morgan be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor S J N Morgan be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor W Stamp proposed that Councillor Mrs J L Fleming be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor Mrs J C Stilts proposed that Councillor M R Edwards be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There were no other nominations. The Chairman called for a vote and following this it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs J L Fleming be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor S White proposed that Councillor M F L Durham be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Strategy and Resources Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor R H Siddall proposed that Councillor C Swain be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Strategy and Resources Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There were no other nominations. The Chairman called for a vote and following this it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor M F L Durham CC be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Strategy and Resources Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor K M H Lagan proposed that Councillor B B Heubner be elected as Vice-Chairman of the District Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor M S Heard proposed that Councillor C Mayes be elected as Vice-Chairman of the District Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
There were no other nominations.
In accordance with Procedure Rule No. 13 (3) Councillor R H Siddall requested a recorded vote. The voting was as follows
For Councillor Heubner:
Councillors Miss A M Beale, R G Boyce, Mrs P A Channer, R P F Dewick, M F L Durham, Mrs J L Fleming, A S Fluker, M W Helm, B B Heubner, A L Hull, J V Keyes, K M H Lagan, S J N Morgan, C P Morley, S P Nunn, W Stamp, Mrs M E Thompson and S White.
For Councillor Mayes:
Councillors M G Bassenger, B S Beale, V J Bell, M R Edwards, M S Heard, C Mayes, N G F Shaughnessy, R H Siddall, N J Skeens, E L Stephens, Mrs J C Stilts and C Swain.
Councillor P L Spenceley.
RESOLVED that Councillor B B Heubner be appointed Vice-Chairman of the District Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor C Mayes be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor C Mayes be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor J V Keyes be appointed Vice-Chairman of the North Western Area Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs J C Stilts be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Central Area Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor C Mayes be appointed as Vice-Chairman of the District Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor B B Heubner be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs J L Fleming be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Joint Standards Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor C Swain be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Strategy and Resources Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor K W Jarvis be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor Mrs V J Bell proposed that Councillor N J Skeens be elected as Vice-Chairman of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor Mrs P A Channer proposed that Councillor Mrs A L Hull be elected as Vice-Chairman of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee. This was duly seconded.
The Chairman advised that he would take the proposal of Councillor Mrs V J Bell first and upon a vote being taken this was duly agreed.
RESOLVED that Councillor N J Skeens be appointed Vice-Chairman of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee for the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor C Swain be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Strategy and Resources Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor K W Jarvis be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor J V Keyes be appointed Vice-Chairman of the North Western Area Planning Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
There were no nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman and having taken advice from the Lead Legal Specialist and Monitoring Officer the Committee agreed not to appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee at this time.
RESOLVED that a Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee not be appointed.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
The Chairman proposed that Councillor E L Bamford be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Committee and in accordance with Procedure Rule No. 13 (3) requested a recorded vote. This was duly seconded and the results of the recorded vote are as follows:
For the recommendation:
Councillors E L Bamford, Mrs P A Channer and M W Helm.
Against the recommendation:
Councillors C Mayes and R Siddall.
There were none
The Chairman declared that Councillor Bamford was therefore appointed as Vice-Chairman.
RESOLVED that Councillor E L Bamford be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
The Chairman called for nominations for Vice-Chairman of the Committee. A number of nominations were put forward and seconded, however the proposed Members declined the nomination.
The Lead Legal Specialist and Monitoring Officer advised that the Terms of Reference for the Committee stated that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman could not be from the same Political Group.
Councillor R H Siddall proposed that Councillor Mrs V L Fleming be nominated as Vice-Chairman of the Committee. This was duly seconded and upon a vote being taken was agreed.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs V L Fleming be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Joint Standards Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor V J Bell be appointed Vice-Chairman of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor J Stilts be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Central Area Planning Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor C Mayes be appointed Vice-Chairman of the District Planning Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor B S Beale be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
The Chairman called for nominations for Vice-Chairman of this Committee. Councillor Mrs M E Thompson proposed that Councillor R G Boyce be elected as Vice-Chairman of this Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor M W Edwards proposed that Councillor C Mayes be elected as Vice-Chairman of this Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no further nominations and upon a vote on each proposal being taken the Chairman declared that Councillor R G Boyce was appointed as the Vice-Chairman of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor R G Boyce MBE be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor R G Boyce MBE be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Joint Standards Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor M W Helm be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Finance and Corporate Services Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
The Chairman called for nominations for Vice-Chairman of this Committee. Councillor M W Helm proposed that Councillor R P F Dewick be elected as Vice-Chairman of this Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor M S Heard proposed that Councillor S P Nunn be elected as Vice-Chairman of this Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year. This proposal was duly seconded.
Upon a vote being taken the Chairman declared that Councillor R P F Dewick was appointed as the Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor R P F Dewick be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Councillor Heard requested that it be recorded that he was not happy with this situation.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs M E Thompson be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Planning and Licensing Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
The Chairman called for nominations for Vice-Chairman of this Committee. Councillor R P F Dewick proposed that Councillor M W Helm be elected as Vice-Chairman of this Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year. This proposal was duly seconded.
Councillor V Bell then proposed that Councillor W Stamp be elected as Vice-Chairman of this Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year. This proposal was duly seconded.
There being no further nominations and upon a vote on each proposal being taken the Chairman declared that Councillor Helm was duly elected as the Vice-Chairman of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor M W Helm be appointed Vice-Chairman of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor R H Siddall be appointed Vice-Chairman of the North Western Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor S P Nunn be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Central Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor B E Harker be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Audit Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor E L Bamford be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Community Services Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs P A Channer, CC be appointed Vice-Chairman of the District Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor E L Bamford be appointed Vice-Chairman of the North Western Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
The following nominations for Vice-Chairman of the Committee were received:
· Councillor Miss M R Lewis (proposed by Councillor B E Harker)
· Councillor Miss A M Beale (proposed by Councillor S J Savage)
Upon a vote being taken the Chairman declared that Councillor Miss Lewis was Vice-Chairman of the Committee.
Councillor S J Savage requested that his vote for Councillor Miss Beale be recorded.
RESOLVED that Councillor Miss M R Lewis be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Central Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs M E Thompson be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor E L Bamford be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Audit Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor R P F Dewick be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor A K M St. Joseph be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Planning and Licensing Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs B D Harker be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Community Services Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor I E Dobson be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Finance and Corporate Services Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor A S Fluker be appointed Vice-Chairman of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor A S Fluker be appointed Vice-Chairman of the South Eastern Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor E L Bamford be appointed Vice-Chairman of the North Western Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor S J Savage be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Central Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor R P F Dewick be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Election of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs M E Thompson be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Election of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs M E Thompson be appointed Vice-Chairman of Joint Standards Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor A K M St. Joseph be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Planning and Licensing Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor E L Bamford be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Audit Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor I E Dobson be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Finance and Corporate Services Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor A T Cain be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Community Services Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs M E Thompson be appointed Vice-Chairman of North Western Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor A S Fluker be appointed Vice-Chairman of South Eastern Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Election of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Rev. A E J Shrimpton be appointed Vice-Chairman of Investigating and Disciplinary Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Election of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor M R Pearlman be appointed Vice-Chairman of Central Area Planning Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Election of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Rev. A E J Shrimpton be appointed Vice-Chairman of Joint Standards Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Election of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs H E Elliott be appointed Vice-Chairman of Audit Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Election of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor E L Bamford be appointed Vice-Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Election of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor A K M St. Joseph be appointed Vice-Chairman of Planning and Licensing Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Election of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor I E Dobson be appointed Vice-Chairman of Finance and Corporate Services Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Election of Vice-Chairman
To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs B D Harker be appointed Vice-Chairman of Community Services Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.