Council Assets Memorandum of Understanding
To consider the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources (copy enclosed).
Additional documents:
The Council considered the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources setting out the intended steps to be taken by Maldon District Council (MDC) in collaboration with the NHS to explore solutions to house services anticipated to be displaced from St Peter’s Hospital, Maldon and to update on discussions with Essex County Council (ECC) to explore a joint approach to assist the NHS in the short and long term.
The Chairperson drew Members’ attention to a report circulated earlier that day and superseded the report previously published.
The Leader of the Council presented the report and explained its purpose was to ascertain what the Council wanted to do next, particularly when the NHS consultation end and the results are published. The Director of Strategy and Resources provided the Council with some further detail and explained the recommendations set out in the report.
A debate ensued, during which a number of Members spoke at length regarding the report and outlined their views in light of the ongoing discussions particularly in relation to the solutions for house services anticipated to be displaced from St Peter’s Hospital.
It was noted that the Leader of Essex County Council had held a summit in March 2024 to explore the challenges facing the NHS and delivery of enabling key infrastructure. A follow-up summit was being planned for April 2024.
The Director of Strategy and Resources explained that within existing Officer delegations (business as usual) Officers could have discussions with partners and bring opportunities forward, such as they were doing through this report. The report sought delegation if further discussions / negotiations were to take place along with an understanding of Members’ views. In response to questions the Leader of the Council provided the Council with an update on recent discussions with the NHS.
Following further debate Councillor J C Stilts proposed that the Council put everything on hold until the outcome of the NHS consultation and summit, following which Officers bring a report back to the Council for debate to see where the way forward was. This proposal was duly seconded.
The Chairperson moved the proposal in the name of Councillor Stilts, and this was duly agreed.
RESOLVED that following completion of the NHS Consultation and Essex County Council summit that a report be brought back to the Council for debate and to consider the way forward.