677 Performance, Governance and Audit Committee - 7 March 2024 PDF 97 KB
Independent Person of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee
(i) That the principle of co-opting an Independent Person onto the Joint Audit and Governance Committee on a non-voting basis be approved;
(ii) That the person specification attached at APPENDIX 1 be approved.
Contract Procedure Rules Extension
(iii) that the Contract Procedure Rules attached at APPENDIX 2 be extended for a further year.
Council Constitution – Scheme of Delegation – Service Delivery
(iv) That the redistribution of the powers currently delegated to the Director of Service Delivery to the Assistant Directors - Service Delivery as proposed and shown at APPENDIX 3, be agreed;
(v) That the consequential changes referred to in paragraphs 3.6 and 3.7 of the report, namely to the list of Proper Officer designations set out in the Scheme of Delegation (General Provisions) document in the Constitution, and the transfer of the delegated powers in relation to Neighbourhood Planning from the Director of Strategy and Resources to the relevant Assistant Director - Planning and Implementation, be agreed.
Additional documents:
The Council considered the following recommendations coming forward from the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee held on 7 March 2024.
Independent Person of the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee
In response to questions, Members were advised that there was an allowance available for this role and the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee would make a decision on that person.
(i) That the principle of co-opting an Independent Person onto the Performance, Governance and Audit Committee on a non-voting basis be approved;
(ii) That the person specification attached at Appendix 1 to the report,be approved.
Contract Procedure Rules Extension
(iii) that the Contract Procedure Rules attached at Appendix 2 to the report, be extended for a further year.
Council Constitution – Scheme of Delegation – Service Delivery
Councillor A S Fluker highlighted point 9 on page 54 of the report pack relating to Officers consulting with Ward Members regarding enforcement cases and he provided some additional information in relation to this. The Chairperson thanked Councillor Fluker for highlighting this.
(iv) That the redistribution of the powers currently delegated to the Director of Service Delivery to the Assistant Directors - Service Delivery as proposed and shown at Appendix 3 to the Council Agenda, be agreed;
(v) That the consequential changes referred to in paragraphs 3.6 and 3.7 of the report, namely to the list of Proper Officer designations set out in the Scheme of Delegation (General Provisions) document in the Constitution, and the transfer of the delegated powers in relation to Neighbourhood Planning from the Director of Strategy and Resources to the relevant Assistant Director - Planning and Implementation, be agreed.