Issue - meetings

Questions to the Leader of the Council in accordance with Procedure Rule 1 (3)(m)

Meeting: 21/03/2024 - Council (Item 682)

Questions to the Leader of the Council in accordance with Procedure Rule 1 (3)(m)


Councillor L J Haywood asked the Leader of the Council what was happening with the Council Offices and particularly if more space were to be let out whether this would result in Council staff having their contracts changed to work from home permanently? In response the Leader advised that there were no plans for the Council to move out of the building and staff contracts allowed both hybrid and flexible working, to remove this he felt would lead to staff leaving and recruitment difficulties. He hoped in the summer Members would have a discussion regarding the Council in terms of how and the way it worked and the buildings and assets the Council owned. The Leader referred to ensuring that the Council was working with staff flexibly to keep them motivated and building team spirit.


Councillor S White referred back to the previous question, advising of private sector information regarding home working and asked the Leader of the Council if the Council should take the advice of the private sector information. Councillor White then raised further questions to the Leader.  In response to a question regarding treating all nature with respect and upholding all government guidance, particularly for nesting birds, the Leader advised that he fully supported any action to protect nesting birds and how the environment and nature were important to him. The Leader commented on the importance of ensuring that landowners did not damage trees and hedges at critical times of year. Councillor White referred to treating residents the same and asked if the Leader agreed that the Council should protect all trees covered by Tree Preservation Order (TPOs) and for the Council to take seriously any work done without permission. The Leader highlighted the need to ensure that TPOs were enforced, and any infringement followed up. He advised the Council that he would discuss the matters raised by Councillor White with the enforcement team.


Councillor A S Fluker referred to the Leader implying that the Council would be moving from the Council Offices and if this was the case that the Corporate Projects Working Group be informed of this and the reasons why. He then referred back to the last Council meeting and the response the Leader had given to comments from the Liberal Demoract Group Leader that Section 106 monies would be used to support local health care. Councillor Fluker sought clarification that the Leader meant in accordance with the conditions of 106 agreements.  In response the Leader explained that it was not known what the future would bring and how this would impact on the location of the Council. He reminded the Council of previous discussions regarding the use of the Council building and the need to ensure it did not get the Council into debt. The Council would have to review its asset (the Council offices) to ensure it met the Council’s need etc. He advised that the Council would always own the building it was in, whether that be at the current  ...  view the full minutes text for item 682