Chairperson's Announcements
The Chairperson highlighted the recent successful Homes for Ukraine event which along with himself the Vice-Chairperson and some Members had attended. He commended the Officers involved for their hard work in bringing the event together.
Having recently completed the Chelmsford half marathon to fundraise for the David Randall Foundation (the Chairperson’s chosen charity), the Chairperson extended his thanks to all that had supported him and the charity.
The Chairperson informed the Council that he would be suspending Procedure Rule 4(8)3 the requirement to stand when addressing the Chairperson.
With the permission of the Chairperson, Councillor R H Siddall addressed the Council. Councillor Siddall advised that at the last Council meeting he had made a remark to Councillor Stilts which undermined her and her professional standard and apologised for this and any offence caused. He reported he had given her a written and informal apology and hoped they could move on from this. In response, Councillor Stilts thanked Councillor Siddall for his apology.
Councillor C P Morley thanked Members for the chocolates and flowers sent to his wife during her recovery from an injury. The Chairperson wished her a continued recovery.