Issue - meetings

NHS Consultation

Meeting: 05/03/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 514)

514 Mid and South Essex NHS

To receive a presentation from Mr Daniel Doherty, Mid Essex NHS Alliance Director.


The Chairperson introduced the Mid Essex NHS Alliance Director, Mr Daniel Doherty.


Mr Doherty provided Members with a detailed presentation and in response to questions from the Committee, provided the following information:


·        Nationally the full time General Practitioner (GP) to Patient ratio was 1 to 1,727, Integrated Care Board (ICB) was 1 to 2,041 and within the Maldon District was 1 to 2,255.


·        A GP would need to become a certified GP trainer to enable them to provide training to trainee GP’s which could be an obstacle when trying to recruit partners.


·        Using individual data analysts to gather data regarding patients per area could allow for a better demonstration of the need and demand within a given area.


·        There has been a significant move to homebased care and rehabilitation which has resulted in lots of areas looking at their bed configurations.


·        At a meeting held on 9 February 2024 it was stated that there was a need to keep the ambulatory services that St Peters Hospital provides within the District. However, Mr Doherty was unable to answer whether it will remain at St Peters indefinitely.


·        Services such as blood testing and outpatient services will remain at St Peters until a suitable location has been found to relocate them to.


The Chairperson thanked Mr Doherty for attending the meeting for and his detailed presentation.


Mr Doherty’s presentation can be found attached as Appendix 1 and please note that all information within the slides was correct and up to date at the time of the meeting.