Chairman's Announcements
The Chairman proposed that due to ongoing discussions, the following items of business be deferred to an extraordinary meeting of the Council which would take place on Thursday 8 June 2023.
At this point and with the agreement of the Chairman, Councillor W Stamp read out a short statement and asked if 15 Members of the Council would join her to form an administration rather than leave the Council in limbo at such an important time. She commented on the lack of an agreement between Group Leaders and how residents were being let down.
Councillor A S Fluker also spoke regarding the proposed extraordinary Council meeting on 8 June, highlighting the need to communicate with Members and resolve the situation quickly. In response to a comment, Members were advised that meetings between Group Leaders had been informal and it was up to those Leaders to share relevant information with their respective Members.
The Chairman then returned to his earlier proposal highlighting the following items, along with the Appointment of Vice-Chairman which he was proposing be deferred to an extraordinary meeting of the Council on 8 June 2023:
· Item 13 – Leaders and Composition of Political Groups;
· Item 14 - Appointment of Membership of Appointment of Committees of the Council, with the exception of the Licensing, District Planning and Area Planning Committees;
· Item 15 - Adjournment of meeting for special meetings of Committees
· Item 18 – Appointment of Representatives to Local Government and Outside Bodies
· Item 19 – Appointment of Members to serve on Working Groups of the Council.
This proposal was duly seconded and assent.
RESOLVED that the following items of business be deferred to an extraordinary meeting of the Council on 8 June 2023:
· Item 4 – Appointment of Vice-Chairman;
· Item 13 – Leaders and Composition of Political Groups;
· Item 14 - Appointment of Membership of Appointment of Committees of the Council, with the exception of the Licensing, District Planning and Area Planning Committees;
· Item 15 - Adjournment of meeting for special meetings of Committees
· Item 18 – Appointment of Representatives to Local Government and Outside Bodies
· Item 19 – Appointment of Members to serve on Working Groups of the Council.
The Chairman then invited Mr Stephen Nunn (outgoing Vice-Chairman) to present long service certificates to the following outgoing Members who had served the Council for over 30 years:
· Bob G Boyce MBE;
· Richard P F Dewick;
· Penny A Channer;
· Brian S Beale MBE.
Chairman's Announcements
There were none.