358 Joint Standards Committee - 6 September 2021 PDF 150 KB
· Minute No. 260 - Standards Complaints - Councillor Chrisy Morris - The Committee Decision
The Chairman advised that he wished to take this item of business next, this was duly agreed by Council.
(i) That the Minutes of the Joint Standards Committee held on 8 September 2021 be received.
The Council considered the following recommendation set out in the Minutes:
Minute 260 – Standards Complaints – Councillor Chrissy Morris – the Committee Decision
Councillor M G Bassenger, Chairman of the Joint Standards Committee, referred to the recommendation set out in the Minutes and proposed that Councillor C Morris be removed from all Committees, including Planning Committees, District Planning, Working Groups and Outside Body for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2021 / 22 for approval. This was duly seconded.
Councillor K M H Lagan referred to the sanctions agreed in respect of another Councillor and proposed for consistency and openness that if agreed the sanctions in relation to Councillor Morris should be the duration of 12 months and not to the end of the municipal year.
The Chairman advised that this would be an amendment to the original proposal.
Councillor M W Helm also comments on sanctions applied to another Councillor and proposed an amendment to the original proposal that this be a for a period of 18 months.
At this point Councillor Lagan withdrew his earlier amendment and seconded the proposed amendment from Councillor Helm.
It was clarified that the 18 months would be until May 2023. The Chairman put the amendment to the Council, and this was duly agreed.
Councillor Mrs P A Channer advised that as a result of the vote there was now a substantive motion that Councillor Morris be removed from all Committees including District Planning and the Area Planning Committees, working groups and outside bodies up until May 2023. She proposed this be accepted by the Council, this was duly seconded and agreed.
(ii) that Councillor C Morris be removed from all Committees (including District Planning Committee and Area Planning Committees), Working Groups or Outside Body up to May 2023.
(iii) that subject to the above decision the Minutes of the Joint Standards Committee be agreed.