Issue - meetings

Change in Decision Making Process Relating to Land Owned by the Council

Meeting: 02/09/2021 - Council (Item 249)

Change in Decision Making Process Relating to Land Owned by the Council

To consider the report of the Corporate Governance Working Group (copy enclosed).

Additional documents:


The Council considered the report and recommendations of the Corporate Governance Working Group relating to the decision-making process for the release of council-owned land for residential development as a possible site for inclusion in the Local Development Plan (LDP) review.


The Lead Legal Specialist and Monitoring Officer outlined the detail of the report and the reasons behind the proposed changes.


Councillor Mrs P A Channer proposed that recommendation (i) as set out in the report be agreed.  This proposal was duly seconded and agreed.


RESOLVED that the decision-making process for the release of Council-owned sites for possible inclusion in the Local Development Plan Review for residential development be temporarily amended by delegation of that decision to the Director of Resources and the Scheme of Delegation be amended, as set out below


New delegation under Section 2 – to the Director of Service Delivery:


Local Development Land

The identification of suitable and available land under the control of the Council for possible inclusion in the Local Development Plan Review begun in 2021 including the taking of any steps (e.g. re-appropriation) required to secure the availability of such land.


Note: This delegated power exists notwithstanding the powers of the Strategy and Resources Committee for the strategic control and management of the Council’s assets and only for the duration of the selection of sites for inclusion in the Local Development Plan Review begun in 2021.