Issue - meetings

Review of Commercial Performance - Quarter 3

Meeting: 07/03/2024 - Performance, Governance and Audit Committee (Item 648)

Review of Commercial Performance - Quarter 3

To consider the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources (copy enclosed).


Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources that required this Committee to undertake a quarterly review of the Commercial Strategy performance, as assurance that it was being managed effectively to achieve outcomes set out in the Commercial Strategy 2022-2027. Appendix 1 to the report provided an overview of the Commercial Strategy performance as at the end of Quarter 3 (July to December 2023).


The Chairperson introduced the item and deferred to the Commercial Manager to take the Committee through the report. The Commercial Manager advised that the overall commercial strategy performance continued to progress positively for the projects within the Council’s control. Where negative impacts had been realised, priority and focussed work had taken place, to bring output back on track. He advised that the Asset Management Strategy would be considered by the Strategy and Resources Committee at its meeting on 14 March 2024.


The Chairperson proposed that the recommendations as set out in the report be agreed. This proposal was duly seconded.


In response to a comment, the Director of Service Delivery advised that the Council was delighted to have been provisionally awarded up to £5 million on capital funding to support local culture projects in the district and the Council was awaiting further details from the Government.


In response to questions from Members, the Commercial Manager and Director provided some further updates in respect of current projects.


The Chairperson moved the recommendations which were duly agreed.




(i)             That Members reviewed the information as set out in this report and Appendix 1 to the report;


(ii)            That Members confirmed they were assured through this review that Commercial performance was being managed effectively.